February 26, 2013

Prov. 7 Assembly Registration

The Registration forms for Prov. 7 DOK Assembly 2013 (April 5-7) are now available. Please do prayerfully consider whether this is something you might want to attend. We as a Diocesan Assembly haven't, in the recent past, had much of a presence at Prov. assemblies and now is the time to change that. I'll be driving (April 4, returning April 7) and willingly taking passengers. If we get enough-we can van-pool or even get a bus!

Group rates at hotels near the church are listed on the registration. Most of them have to have your reservation before March 15 (one by the 8th!), so it's time to get those reservations made!

Below is the tentative agenda. You'll note that business is a very small part of the whole time. Most of it is worship and workshops to enrich our journey as Daughters of the King and Sisters in Christ. The theme is prayer, something we can all use more of.

Tentative Agenda
Friday – April 5, 2013
1:00 Prov. 7 Board Meeting
3:00 – 5:00 PM Registration (materials with local activities)
6:00 Dinner
7:00 Holy Eucharist, Rite I – with The Rt. Rev. Dr. Edward J. Konieczny, Bishop of the Diocese of Oklahoma
Renewal of Vows
Commemoration of the Dead
Saturday – April 6, 2013
8:00 AM Registration/ Continental Breakfast (provided)
9:00 –10:00 Business Meeting (Province VII)
10:15 - 11:45 Session I
12:00- 12:45 PM Lunch (provided)
1:00 – 2:30 Session II
2:45 – 4:45 Session III
5:15 Taize Service (healing and meditation)
6:30 Dinner (provided)

Sunday – April 7, 2013
Breakfast    On Your Own (hotel or other local options)
9:15 AM Holy Eucharist, Rite I – All Souls’ Episcopal Church

February 12, 2013

Provincial News and Assembly

The Diocese of the Rio Grande is part of Province VII of the Episcopal Church. The Daughters of the King is also organized by province. Our Provincial President is Brenda Amos. The website for Province VII is worth visiting. You will find photos of the board retreat last September, the Prov. VII newsletter, interesting information about Daughters, and a calendar of events across the Province.

Diocesan Presidents from across the Province recently gathered on a conference call to learn about plans for the Provincial Google site to help with communication, and hear about newly released guides for Presidents and Chaplains. Also the new 2012 Handbook is available from the National DOK office!

An important part of any organization is the fellowship that comes from getting together. Province VII is large-extending from NM to LA and north to the Diocese of W Missouri. Few of us will have a chance to visit all over the Province-but we CAN come together for Assembly on April 5-7 in Oklahoma City. The Theme is "Feed My Sheep" with the focus on our Rule of Prayer.  Registration will be $75 and there are special rates at nearby hotels. You can check out times and schedules in this Save the Date announcement.

The business portion of the Assembly is a very small part of the entire time. Most of the event will involve breakout sessions by various speakers (including Diocese of the Rio Grande President Cindy Davis). This is a model we hope to emulate in the diocesan assembly this year (August 2-3).

Attending Provincial Assembly is a rewarding experience, as those who have attended in the past can attest. The registration forms for the Province VII Assembly will be posted to the Provincial website in the near future. Also, if we have enough interest, we will investigate the idea of a bus or van-pool to Oklahoma. (It would probably be about $100/person to rent a full sized van.)