January 27, 2015

Province 7 and Diocesan Assembly: April 10-11

Come to Assembly! All Daughters from across the Province are invited to Albuquerque, NM on April 10-11, 2015 for Assembly.
All Daughters in the Diocese of the Rio Grande are esp. encouraged to attend so we can welcome our Sisters in Christ. We will also be holding our Diocesan Assembly and elections on April 11.

Please print and share this registration information with your chapters and members who may not have email!.
For General Provincial Registration: Download Registration here.
If you are in the Diocese of the Rio Grande, download Registration and information about the Diocesan Assembly here. 

Registration is $75 for Daughters, $5 for JDOK, $30 for a guest (includes meals). Deadline to Register is March 25. This is also the deadline for the special prices at the hotels.
Hotel prices are good for 2 days before and 2 days after the Assembly, so plan to take some extra time! You can reserve a room at the Doubletree here or call the number listed in the registration materials.

Our speakers this year include Mark Goodman, Dean of the Cathedral, who will talk about the Saint John's Bible. The Cathedral is fortunate enough to have one of the 299 copies of the Heritage Edition of this great work-the first fully illuminated Bible since the Middle Ages.
Our Provincial Chaplain Fr. Mike Gemignani will also speak. Even more exciting will be the opportunity to purchase his recently completed book Praying Deeper, which includes 80 of his meditations from his daily blog about Mysticism!

We in Albuquerque are looking forward to welcoming all our Sisters in Christ to Assembly.

January 19, 2015

Gathering Together

Special Thanks to the St. Chad's Daughters and to the Santa Rosa Chapter at St. Andrew's, Las Cruces for their hospitality in hosting the Christmas and Epiphany Parties. The food and fellowship were wonderful at both events and everyone enjoyed getting to know other Daughters.

Thanks to Sandy Martin who shared the story of her journey to being a Daughter and what it has meant to her Christian walk. It was a beautiful testimony!

Our next chance to gather will be at the Province 7 Assembly on April 10-11 at the Cathedral in Albuquerque. Plan to attend and meet Daughters from around the Province to give them a nice big Diocese of the Rio Grande welcome. We will hold our Diocesan elections and short business meeting as part of the Provincial Assembly, so it is important for you to attend.

Meanwhile, consider working with your chapter, or as an individual to complete the DOK Ministry Review, a series of 3 sessions that reviews and renews our Daughters of the King vows and life.