April 26, 2013

Dresses for Africa-Chapter project

The Maranatha  Chapter, in Ruidoso, is making Little Dresses for Africa out of used pillow
cases!  We are enjoying the fellowship of getting together for this creative project. 
Corners of the pillow cases are cut to make arm openings.  These pieces are used for pockets.  We add a draw string on top to tie in a bow at each shoulder and some lace.   Each one if different.  The opening of the pillow case has the hem with boarders.
Betty Mason found the pattern and organization that sends these dresses to Africa.  We completed a dozen at our first sewing party and are continuing to meet.
If anyone has any floral or pattern pillow cases, please send them to the Maranatha Chapter.  We take all sizes.

(If your chapter has a fun project to share, email Cindy!)

April 9, 2013

Province 7 Assembly

Last Friday and Saturday over 125 women from across Province 7 gathered at All Soul's Episcopal Church in Oklahoma City for the Prov. 7 Assembly. There were 4 of us from the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Next year, let's aim for more participation.
The Assembly opened with Eucharist on Thursday, presided over by Bishop Ed K. of the Diocese of Oklahoma. Saturday, following a delicious continental breakfast, a short business meeting was held. Part of the business included approving the budget and outreach gifts of $260 for each of the Dioceses. The DRG had decided to sponsor Wings Ministry this year. The offering from the Eucharist and the undesignated $220 of the outreach funds was divided among 4 ministries nominated from the floor. Over $1300 was collected.
Fr. Mike G., Provincial chaplain led 2 meditations on the Holy Spirit's work in our lives, illustrated and highlighted by his own music, including A Prayer for Union which is the focus of his daily blog for all Daughters. (Sign up by clicking here and requesting to be added.) Cindy D. spoke about her writing and how writing (journaling or any other form) is a prayer and spiritual aid. The new Jr. Daughter chair, Tory Arnold talked about the need for Junior Daughters and shared a video of a retreat for Juniors in TX. Let's give that some consideration in the DRG and grow our Juniors! Is God calling you to be the JDOK Chair?

The Assembly was a time of renewal and refreshment as well as fellowship and worship with other Daughters. There was at least one representative from every diocese in the Province! Make plans for the 2015 Assembly which will be in the Corpus Christi, TX area in April, 2015.
Start saving now for Trienniel in Salt Lake City in June of 2015, too. The saying "A dollar a day for DOK" will help you set aside enough funds to get to each of these events!