Sharing Daughters of the King

At the 2016 Diocesan Assembly, Diocesan Chaplain the Rev. Jan Hosea shared how Daughters can Pray It, Live It, Do It! She also noted that our connection to our Lord is like Velcro! 

During the August 2015 meeting of the DOK Diocesan Board, we discussed ways to promote and share who Daughters of the King is.
Rather than being a 'hidden' group that some might think is a 'secret' or 'invite only' group, let's share the excitement of being a Daughter of the King of Kings and part of a Sisterhood that is world-wide!

Some fun ideas for doing this that we came up with are:


Wear something distinctive that becomes synonymous with Daughters of the King in your parish, when you do special DOK activities for the parish. (Yes, our Cross is that, but something more dramatic, too!)
Some Chapters (St. Chad's for one-see picture) use big flower pins
You could wear blue or white scarves (maybe one of those twist & curl scarves??)
A pretty blue hat, hair ribbon, even just a pin that says "Ask me about DOK"!

Take the lead during services on a special day, like the Anniversary of your Chapter formation (or on All Saints Sunday, when we are supposed to have Corporate Communion)...ask if Daughters can be readers, ushers, provide coffee hour snacks, etc. AND wear your special flower or scarf or whatever!

Host a Get the Scoop on DOK ice cream social or a Tea for all ladies in the parish so they can learn more about who Daughters are.

Offer to help at a Deanery meeting. You could provide snacks or lunch, lead Morning Prayer or other things. In exchange, ask if you can tell about DOK for 5 minutes.

Have an intentional and VISIBLE prayer presence during clergy retreat, convention, deanery meetings, special meetings in the diocese (and in your church).

Make a DOK Banner for your chapter to have in the parish hall, to bring to DOK Assembly, (and to Triennial if you go to that in 2018). And ask if you can carry it in procession when you celebrate your chapter anniversary!
Participate in the Design a Diocesan Banner Contest for Assembly 2016!

Be a Prayer Partner with someone else in your parish-maybe your chapter can be prayer partners with your Sunday School or youth if they are doing a special trip or activity.

Invite non-DOK ladies to participate in DOK service activities (making prayer shawls, Little Dresses for Africa, card ministry, etc.) Don't forget to invite little girls and their moms to participate too...that's how Jr. Daughters are encouraged to start.

Provide DOK info in Newcomer Packets. This can be something about your chapter and/or some of the info from the National office (or Royal Cross), maybe even something fun from 1885 Designs. You can make something if you prefer, too...Prayer card, Anglican prayer beads, or a cross. Be sure to attach contact info about your Chapter to whatever you use.

Be a Prayer Partner with someone else in your parish-maybe your chapter can be prayer partners with your Sunday School or youth if they are doing a special trip or activity.

Head up special seasonal activities...Stations of the Cross for Lent, a retreat or quiet day, luminarias or Advent wreaths at Advent...

Send a card to your clergy, including deacons, on the anniversary of their ordination-signed by all the chapter.

Start a card ministry to shut-ins or for birthdays and anniversaries, specifically FROM the DOK.

Offer to help with VBS as a chapter project. Even if you can't keep up with children (or think you can't), you could collect supplies, do a 'how to pray' exercise, make child-friendly prayer beads, support the teachers with prayer and little notes of thanks.

Probably you are already doing at least some of these things, but your parish may not be aware that it is being done by the Daughters of the King. Phat's where PUBLICIZE and INVITE come in. Share what you are doing and plan to do in your parish communications and maybe even have a DOK page on your parish website!! Encourage others to see Daughters as more than just 'old women praying!' 

Please share other ideas you might have tried, or how well these ideas work for you!

1 comment:

  1. Cindy, I recognize that picture of the community baby shower the Daughters of Hope held for the Children's Advocacy Center in Valencia County. We continue our ministry there by collecting and sorting clothing, etc. for the children. The SVDP chapter in Los Lunas donates and we sort and deliver it for the center. It's a labor of love.
