June 2, 2016

Assembly 2016: Celebrating 120 Years

Dear Sisters in Christ,
It's time to register for our Diocesan Assembly at Good Shepherd, Silver City as we celebrate our Story as Daughters in the Diocese since 1896-and how our story, individually and corporately, can be an invitation to other women!

Diocesan Assembly 2016
Celebrating DOK
in the DRG 

August 5-6
Good Shepherd Church
Silver City, NM
Thanks Shepherd's Daughters for hosting!

Assembly registration remains at $40 this year ($5 for JDOK). Forms and info about Silver City: lodging and things to do, are in the packet that you can download or you can register online.
 You can also request them from Cindy. Chapter presidents will also have a copy of the entire packet to distribute.

Research your chapter history for our diocesan DOK timeline! We're celebrating 120 years in the Diocese! How long has your chapter been part of the Sisterhood?
Invite a non-DOK friend to the Assembly Tea on Friday, Aug. 5 to learn more about Daughters! 

Come to Assembly and be part of the Celebration! Remember, we are part of a special Sisterhood and community of faith that is not just in our parish, or even restricted to our diocese. Indeed, we are part of a world-wide Order that changes lives! Invite a friend to join our Sisterhood!