The Daughters at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Silver City, NM report:
We have a small chapter, here at Good Shepherd, but have been quite active during 2012. Two of our parishioners have been honored by baby showers by the chapter. Regular meetings are scheduled on third Sundays. Several times they extended the meeting time to lunch at local restaurants with Rev. Fran included.
Two lovely lunches were done to honor a visit by [incoming rector], Fr. Paul and a going away patio party for Rev. Fran. In 2012, one Daughter gave a very interesting presentation on her pilgrimage to Spain, to which the entire congregation was invited.
Individually members are involved in all aspects of parish work, including, but not limited to Vestry, Choir, Acolyte instruction, Lay readers, Rector search committee, and as LEMs at the Long Term Care Center in Silver City.
Members are looking forward to the guidance of Fr. Paul and to working with his wife, Karisse, who is a Daughter.
Good Shepherd, Silver City will be hosting a Cursillo Ultreya on May 31 at 4PM. Members of the 4th Day and anyone interested in Cursillo are invited.