Assembly 2014 at Holy Faith in Santa Fe was attended by 50 women from around the Diocese. The Frederick B. Howden Chapter did a lovely job hosting the event. The theme for Assembly this year was, “We are One in the Spirit…and we Serve”. A few highlights from Assembly:
After Morning Prayer on Saturday, the business meeting was held. President's report is here. The exciting news is that we have 2 new chapters (Redeeming Grace in Carlsbad, and Santiago in Taos), plus a chapter in discernment at St. Matthew’s, Los Lunas. New Jr. Daughters have been added and other chapters are growing as well. The finance report was shared by Brenda Restivo, Treasurer. Although Assembly ended up being a bit over budget, the bottom line remains solid.
There were 7 ministries nominated for the grants this year at Assembly. The Layette Ministry of the Frederick B. Howden Chapter at Holy Faith, and the Casa de Amore Para Ninos Ministry, nominated by the Shepherd’s Daughters Chapter at Good Shepherd were awarded $642.50 each. The Diocesan Borderlands Ministry was also supported by $470 from the sale of baskets, and a backseat full of donations was sent to Compassionate Response.
Remember dues ($40) are to be gathered and sent to National by September 1! Chapter reports received can be viewed on the Chapter page of the blog.
Diocesan Assembly next year will be hosted
by Shepherd’s Daughters in Silver City on August 7-8, 2015 with the theme,
“We are One in the Spirit…and we Share”. I am considering having a retreat for
all presidents on Friday before the Assembly opens and hope to have some of our
Junior Daughters in attendance. We will have elections for officers, so please be in prayer for those who will be
raised up to serve as our officers for the next three years. If God is
nudging you, let me know!
Assembly Worship
Candles lighted in remembrance of Daughters gone before |
Our Assembly Speaker
The Assembly
opened with a lovely dinner at the Sage Inn in Santa Fe, followed by the first
talk given by our speaker, Marilyn Lawson, the Prov. 7 Daughters of the King
Service Chair. She shared how her childhood experiences as her mother’s
‘apprentice’ in service helped her learn how important it is to serve one
another. She noted, “We as Daughters of The King are to imitate
that servant’s attitude in our own lives” and gave us 1 Peter 1:13-25
to meditate on. Marilyn’s talks continued after the business meeting. She reminded us that “Daughters of the King will encounter Christ in those they serve. Those served will encounter Christ in YOU.” She said, “I encourage each of you to live our Rule of Service.” She noted that LOVE should be our primary reason for service and that we serve best when we explore areas where we are most connected. Marilyn stressed the importance of mentoring girls through Jr. Daughters. Juniors do not have to be Episcopalian and this can be a wonderful outreach to girls in your community, some of whom may have had greater life experiences than we have ourselves. It is important to help them find grounding and faith in a turbulent world. She also suggested looking at ministry to special populations (prison, mental illness, disability, bereavement, elderly, young adult, etc.).
Marilyn Lawson with VP Peggy Way, Treasurer Brenda Restivo and Barbara Caldwell |
Videos of Marilyn's talks are on the Women's Ministry YouTube channel. (The Friday evening did not record well, so you'll have to read her story by downloading the notes.)
What’s Coming
Initial information
about Triennial 2015 on June 19-23 in UT
is here. Watch the Royal Cross for complete details. The registration will be
$400 for the 4 days of Triennial and rooms are estimated to be about
$100/night! Air travel might be around $4-500, and we are considering doing a van-pool if we can get enough interest. As
an added bonus, the Prov. 7 Annual Assembly will be held in conjunction with
Triennial so you only have to travel once and get 2 events. Each chapter can
send a person as delegate! Consider getting someone from your chapter to attend
if you cannot go yourself.