February 28, 2015

Sharing Lent, A Retreat with Bishop Vono in Roswell

All women (lay & ordained) are invited to Sharing Lent, 
a Retreat in Roswell with Bishop Vono, 
March 21 from 8:30 AM-3:00 PM

On Saturday we will hear from Bishop Vono about how to Share our Faith in Lent and Beyond based on Romans 10: 8-9 “The word is near you; it is in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the message concerning faith that we proclaim: If you declare with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Start the weekend on Friday, March 20 at 7PM with a fellowship gathering at the home of Kathleen Pittman (2 Park Rd., Roswell). We’ll have wine, cheese, and lively conversation.


Hotels are available near the church for those who are traveling. There is not a block of rooms, please make your own reservations by phone or online. Hotels offering a special rate for us are:

Best Western Sally Port, 2000 N Main, Roswell (575-622-6430) 2 Queen beds $79+tax (mention Amy Morales)

La Quinta Inn & Suites, 200 E 19th, Roswell (575-622-8000) 2 Queen beds $84+tax

Holiday Inn Express, 2306 N Main (575-623-2306) $77+tax (mention St. Andrew’s Retreat)

Registration fee of $20/person covers lunch and supplies. You can register for the retreat online or download and mail the form as indicated. After March 1, prices increase by $5. (Some half scholarships are available. Contact Cindy Davis.)

Start the weekend on Friday, March 20 at 7PM with a fellowship gathering at the home of Kathleen Pittman (2 Park Rd., Roswell). We’ll have wine, cheese, and lively conversation.

Shelly Currier from Roswell will speak about the WINGS Ministry at lunch. Please bring some of these items to support this important ministry to families: glue sticks, fancy (not yellow) pencils, fun stickers, craft ‘pipe’ cleaners.

Carpools from Albuquerque may be available depending on interest. Contact Cindy to sign up.

February 14, 2015

A Lent Dailey Mediation for Daughters


 Lent is once again upon us and this means that we get to slow down and reconnect with the holiness of God and as an Order. I invite each of you to make a commitment to meditate on a regular basis. How long you meditate is unimportant.  What is important is that you meditate and do it regularly on schedule. This Lent we will take a journey into being intentionally mindful each day about certain aspects of The Order of the Daughters of the King ®. You will need the following tools: 
  • A timer of some kind such as a mindfulness app, or a timed piece of music. 
  • A journal (optional).
  • A prayer book and a Bible.
  • The National Handbook (optional).
The days of the week will be laid out in the following way:
  • Sunday:  We meditate on Sisterhood and what it means to follow the vows of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism. We take time to pray for the Order and National Council.
  • Monday: We meditate on what it means to be a Junior Daughter and how best we might be able to help Junior Daughters thrive. We Pray for Junior Daughters and those discerning calls to join this part of the Order. We pray for Junior Daughter Directresses at all levels and for the growth of the Alpha Fund.
  • Tuesday: We meditate on Daughters at Large and how we can reach out to them. We pray especially for all Daughters who feel isolated by distance and age. We intentionally pray for small-chapter growth and for those chapters that have been disbanded. We pray for the growth of the Master's Fund.
  • Wednesday: We meditate on what it means to be an International Daughter, and we pray for all the countries where International Daughters live and for more growth world-wide.
  • Thursday: We meditate on the vows we made and how we can best live into them and follow the rule. We pray for all who are discerning calls to be Daughters and those who are transitioning from Junior to senior Daughter. We intentionally pray for the growth of the Endowment Fund.
  • Friday: We meditate and pray for all the clergy, both those who are Daughters and those who are not.  We take time to intentionally pray for the Self-Denial Fund.
  • Saturday: We meditate and prepare for our worship on the upcoming Sabbath day and use the Motto of the Order as our focus. 
Each day is to be considered a holy day.   

To begin this meditation: We put on our timers, mindfulness apps, or selected music for your allotted time. Next we take a few deep breaths, close our eyes, and take time to be silent and still.  Then begin to meditate on the day's meditation focus. Take your time.  There is no need to rush.  When you are ready to close, pray the Lord's Prayer and say the Motto of the Order.

May we all have a blessed Lent and take time to slow down and be one with each other where ever we are

Taken from Feb. Cross+Links (the DOK National e-Newsletter)
Written by Sara Macdonald
President, Province VIII

This would make a perfect counterpart to the Ministry Review study, previously sent out, too.