March 23, 2015

Prayer Support for Provincial/Diocesan Assembly

The Daughters of the King of the Diocese of the Rio Grande are invited to join in prayer for the upcoming Provincial/Diocesan Assembly on April 10-11. Ann Merrick, our Prayer/Devotions Chair has gathered some beautiful prayers for us to use.

Even if you cannot be present, you can support the Assembly in prayer. If you want you can download the prayers to print and share.

May the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts,*
Be always acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.  Amen.

April 1 & 2:
May the blessings of light be upon your Daughters,
Light without and light within,
And in all our comings and goings,
May we Your Daughters ever have a kindly greeting
From those we meet along the road.  Amen

April 3 & 4:
Lord, before we your Daughters gather in assembly, we place ourselves before You, for You are filled with beauty and light and care deeply about us. Help us to listen to Your voice. Help us to respect and understand Your purposes. Help us to value and appreciate our fellow Daughters who we are soon to meet. May Your light enfold use. May Your Spirit guide us. May Your grace abound in us. We make this prayer through Christ the Lord. Amen.
April 5 & 6:
Look upon us, Lord, as we prepare to assemble and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of your brightness. Fill your Daughters with holy love, and open to us the treasures of your wisdom. You know all our desires, therefore, perfect what You have begun and what Your Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek your face. Turn Your face towards us and show us your glory. Then shall all our longing be satisfied and our peace shall be perfect. Amen.   (Adapted from St. Augustine)
April 7 & 8:
Teach Your Daughters as we prepare to assemble to seek You, and reveal Yourself to us as we seek; for unless You instruct us we cannot seek You, and unless You reveal Yourself we cannot find You. Let us seek You in desiring You; let us desire You in seeking You; let us find You in loving You; let us love You in finding You.  Amen (St. Anselm of Canterbury)

April 9 & 10:
O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go:  Preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  (From the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.)

April 11:
God Our Father, we, your Daughters, thank You for having called us to assemble that we may humbly serve You.  Send Your Holy Spirit upon us and remain present among us to lead us in the conversation, fellowship, meeting, discussion, and worship, we will have. Bless our words and thoughts with holiness that we may be fitting instruments of Your grace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen