August 12, 2015

Diocesan Board Retreat and Planning Meeting

The Daughters of the King Diocesan Board met for a time of planning and worship at the Bosque Center the weekend of August 7-8. Our theme was the story of Gideon who, like Daughters, was called by God to accomplish great things through the Spirit of the Lord. Saturday morning was spent in reflection on what the story of Gideon (Judges 6-7) can tell us about stepping out in faith as Daughters. We shared why we are Daughters and what prayer and service ministries we are involved in. (This involved a torch and trumpets!)

After lunch, we got down to some real strategic planning for the coming year and beyond. Our planning was sustained by nibbling on some sheep cookies. Exciting ideas, inspired by the Holy Spirit, were captured. Then we prioritized what to focus on for the coming year. You'll be hearing a lot more about things like "Daughter's Days", Publicity aids, Jr. Daughters in the Diocese and, of course, Assembly 2016! 

It turns out that there has been a Daughters presence in the Diocese since at least 1896. The first recorded record is from St. John's Cathedral when women's ministry minutes note that the St. John's DOK, established 'by 1896', maintained the altar linens and furnishings, 'until a separate altar guild formed'. In 1898, the chapter donated money for the first Missal Stand. Years later they donated a fleur 'd' leis style processional cross. Because 2016 will be the 120th year of Daughters in the Diocese, we are planning to make the upcoming Assembly one of celebration of the history of all chapters in the Diocese. Chapters are encouraged to find out as much about their history as possible!

The Diocesan Board was installed at the Cathedral on August 9. (Some were absent in person due to travel, and one auto accident, but all were present in spirit.) We look forward to serving with one another and all the Daughters in the Diocese. It is our prayer that each chapter and Daughter will find new inspiration in being a Daughter of the King in the Diocese of the Rio Grande! Click on the chapter page to find a list of the officers and links to their emails.