November 5, 2016
Christmas Party, Sponsored by the Daughters
This year, for our Christmas Party, we are doing something a bit different. Instead of being 'just' for Daughters and ladies interested in Daughters, we are inviting all women of the Diocese to join in our celebration and a Special Outreach Event, benefiting the Women's Circle of Empowerment.
Please download the poster and share this info with women in your parish!
Christmas Party & Outreach Collection!
December 17: 2PM
Bosque Center (6400 Coors NW, ABQ)
For: All women, (Sponsored by: Daughters of the King)
What? Christmas Goodies and Fellowship
Including a Special Collection for Women’s Circle of Empowerment (an outreach of the DRG). Participants in the program will be at the party to tell us about the ministry.
Let’s come together as women of the diocese, to offer a hand of friendship and empowerment. Collect some of the essential items listed on the poster. Bring them with you to the Christmas Party and meet some of these courageous women.
Invite a friend to come, enjoy the fellowship, and support these women. RSVP to Cindy by Dec. 10.
PS: If you'd like to help with goodies or set up for the Party, contact Cindy!
August 30, 2016
Telling the Daughters of the King Story for the next 120 Years
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a vibrant, international, ecumenical Sisterhood of women and girls who seek to live out their Baptismal vows in relationship with Christ and each other, through the shared disciplines of Prayer and Service and Evangelism to women and girls. There have been chapters of Daughters of the King in the Diocese of the Rio Grande for 120 years. The first chapter formed at the Cathedral only 11 years after the founding of the Order. Nearly 40 Daughters gathered at Good Shepherd Church in Silver City to celebrate that history and look forward to the future during their Assembly on August 5-6.
The weekend started with a Justice and Mission Tea, fashioned
after the workshop at Triennial in 2015 given by the Rev. Becca Stevens. We
brewed tea for one another and shared our stories. Throughout the rest of the
weekend Daughters looked at their history in the Diocese as a way to use our
stories to evangelize for the future. The Rev. Jan Hosea, Diocesan Chaplain,
led the group in a discussion of evangelism. Each attendee developed an
‘elevator speech’ to explain what their cross and lives as Daughters mean to
their faith walk.
New Diocesan Treasurer, Barbara Weaver, was elected
and joins the DOK Board: Cynthia Davis, President; Cynthia Anne Ruth and
Christine Courtney, Vice Presidents; Linda Brown, Secretary; Marta Gallegos,
Service Chair; and Ann Merrick, Prayer Chair; who work together for the growth
of the Daughters in the Diocese. Next year’s Assembly will be in Carlsbad next
July. There will be a Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange at the Bosque Center
on December 17.
Watch for a link to the PowerPoint presentation of Assembly, coming soon.
July 10, 2016
Invite a Friend
Invite a friend to join you for Tea on Friday, August 5.
It's a fun way to introduce your friends to the Daughters!
June 2, 2016
Assembly 2016: Celebrating 120 Years
Dear Sisters in Christ,
It's time to register for our Diocesan Assembly at Good Shepherd, Silver City as we celebrate our Story as Daughters in the Diocese since 1896-and how our story, individually and corporately, can be an invitation to other women!
Diocesan Assembly 2016
Celebrating DOK
in the DRG
August 5-6
Good Shepherd Church
Silver City, NM
Thanks Shepherd's Daughters for hosting!
Assembly registration remains at $40 this year ($5 for JDOK). Forms and info about Silver City: lodging and things to do, are in the packet that you can download or you can register online. You can also request them from Cindy. Chapter presidents will also have a copy of the entire packet to distribute.
Research your chapter history for our diocesan DOK timeline! We're celebrating 120 years in the Diocese! How long has your chapter been part of the Sisterhood?
Invite a non-DOK friend to the Assembly Tea on Friday, Aug. 5 to learn more about Daughters!
It's time to register for our Diocesan Assembly at Good Shepherd, Silver City as we celebrate our Story as Daughters in the Diocese since 1896-and how our story, individually and corporately, can be an invitation to other women!
Diocesan Assembly 2016
Celebrating DOK
in the DRG
August 5-6
Good Shepherd Church
Silver City, NM
Thanks Shepherd's Daughters for hosting!
Assembly registration remains at $40 this year ($5 for JDOK). Forms and info about Silver City: lodging and things to do, are in the packet that you can download or you can register online. You can also request them from Cindy. Chapter presidents will also have a copy of the entire packet to distribute.
Research your chapter history for our diocesan DOK timeline! We're celebrating 120 years in the Diocese! How long has your chapter been part of the Sisterhood?
Invite a non-DOK friend to the Assembly Tea on Friday, Aug. 5 to learn more about Daughters!
Come to Assembly and be part of the Celebration! Remember, we are part of a special Sisterhood and community of faith that is not just in our parish, or even restricted to our diocese. Indeed, we are part of a world-wide Order that changes lives! Invite a friend to join our Sisterhood!
May 15, 2016
Ice Cream Social in Taos=Great Fun
On Saturday May 14, about 20 Daughters of the King and women interested in the Order met for ice cream and fellowship at St. James Episcopal Church in Taos.
Guests from Santa Fe and Albuquerque were warmly welcomed by the ladies of the Santiago Chapter. An assortment of ice creams and toppings were the highlight of the gathering which also included a short talk by Diocesan President Cindy Davis. She compared DOK to an ice cream sundae with Christ as the bowl, filled with scoops of Prayer and Service Ice Cream as well as the topping of Evangelism that overflows in the lives of Daughters. Cindy also gave a short report about the recent Prov. Assembly in Ft. Worth.
The next big event for Daughters of the King in the Diocese will be Assembly 2016 in Silver City on August 5-6. We will celebrate 120 years of Daughters in the diocese and look ahead to our future.
Guests from Santa Fe and Albuquerque were warmly welcomed by the ladies of the Santiago Chapter. An assortment of ice creams and toppings were the highlight of the gathering which also included a short talk by Diocesan President Cindy Davis. She compared DOK to an ice cream sundae with Christ as the bowl, filled with scoops of Prayer and Service Ice Cream as well as the topping of Evangelism that overflows in the lives of Daughters. Cindy also gave a short report about the recent Prov. Assembly in Ft. Worth.
The next big event for Daughters of the King in the Diocese will be Assembly 2016 in Silver City on August 5-6. We will celebrate 120 years of Daughters in the diocese and look ahead to our future.
April 27, 2016
Province 7 Assembly 2016 in Ft. Worth
During the opening Eucharist, Daughters who
have died were remembered in a lovely candle lighting ceremony, including those
from the Diocese of the Rio Grande.
The theme of Assembly was from Micah 6:8 “What does the Lord
require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your
God.” This Assembly the focus was Justice.
We were delighted to welcome our new National President, Susan O’Brien, was at the Provincial Assembly. We
(Prov. 7) were the first Province she has visited since her election at
Triennial last June! She spoke on how ‘evangelism’ is really just telling our
story, which is part of what we’ll be doing at our Diocesan Assembly in August. I’m sure you all have it on your
calendar for August 5-6! Registration info will be out in just a few weeks. She
also noted that to ‘act justly’, as in the Micah citation is our individual
call as Daughters, and as baptized Christians. She asked us to consider ‘What
injustice do you observe today?’ and ‘What can I do about it?’
Susan remarked that when we ‘love mercy’, it should be done extravagantly
using the Prodigal Son as an example. Walking ‘humbly’ is to be obedient to
God, which takes being aware of God’s actions. She shared that one of her
prayer disciplines is to do photo journal walks. During these she takes
pictures of things that remind her of God’s presence. (Doesn’t that sound like
a great way to pray?) She made one of them into a card with the theme of the
Assembly on it for each attendee.
During the business meeting, it was noted that we are
falling down on keeping up with donations to our funds, esp. the Self Denial Fund. In 2012 there was
$102,000 in the fund and last year, only $13,000. This is not because of
excessive grants, but because donations are WAY down. It was suggested that if EVERY Daughter donated just $5 to the fund
it would be a huge help. So…I offer that as a challenge
to each chapter/Daughter in our diocese. You can donate online, or
download the form to send with donation from the National website 'Support our Mission' page. The Provincial Assembly voted $771 to go to
Self-Denial from the Eucharist offering and the $225 annual ‘undesignated’
grant monies. Each Diocese also gets a grant of $400. In the Rio Grande, this
year, it went to the Rector’s Fund at St. James, Taos for help with outreach
utility aid.
Susan O’Brien also encouraged us to focus meetings in a spiritual setting and format, perhaps even
incorporating meeting in an area with candles, flowers, and other spiritual
aids and to format the meeting as a form of worship by opening and ending with
prayer. She stated that the Prayer List should take up no more than 5 minutes
of the meeting time! At meetings she has
chaired, members bless one another as part of the closing ceremony. One way
to do this is to anoint each other’s hands as blessing. She closed with a
prayer from Celtic Prayer From Iona,
which is part of her daily devotions.
On my heart and on my
The blessing of God.
In my coming and in my going
The peace of God.
In my life and in my seeking
The Love of God.
At my end and new beginning
The arms of God to welcome me, and bring me home.
Jennifer Stanton Hargrave, a family law attorney was one of
the speakers. She noted that ‘justice’ depends on the audience, and can seem ‘unfair’
to us-esp. if things don’t go our way. Real fairness comes when we look outward
toward the good of all, not just what I think is ‘best for me’. The Hebrew word
for ‘justice’ is mishpat, which is to
treat others equitably (love as we are loved). True justice must be outward and
social and is the fruit of maturity along with joy and peace. True justice
restores relationship between God and people, and requires generosity.
Valerie Maniscalco, communications director of the Genesis
Women’s Shelter talked about the extensive work of the shelter. It has been in
operation for 30 years and was the response of an Episcopal priest and church
who wanted to help women escaping domestic abuse. Now the shelter offers a 6-week
stay to women and children, with the chance to then move to a long term
residential facility for up to a year. They offer schooling, counseling, legal
aid, and are funded totally by community donations. Attendees donated diapers
and baby wipes to the shelter. The Jr. Daughters made gift bags for the residents,
Fr. Mike Gemangani, Provincial Chaplain was the final
speaker. He discussed how the purpose of justice is to make right what is wrong
and to affect change. His talk can be downloaded from the Provincial website.
Following his talk, Fr. Mike presented certificates to the Arkansas
Daughters who had completed the program Daughters
Going Deeper. Some Daughters in the Rio Grande are currently working
through the program. If you are interested in participating in the next group,
starting in 2017, you can download the info and forms.
Assembly is always a
time for renewing friendships and meeting new friends from all around. See you
at the Diocesan Assembly in August in Silver City. Mark your calendar for
next year’s Prov. Assembly: April 21-23, 2017 at Church of the Incarnation,
Dallas. Triennial is in 2018 and will be June 20-24, 2018 at the Renaissance at
the Arboretum in Austin, TX.
By the way-you can keep up with Provincial news and ask for
prayers, etc. on the Prov. 7 Facebook page. There are more pics from Assembly on the Facebook and Prov. 7 website, too.
March 22, 2016
You Are Invited to an Ice Cream Social
All Women of the Diocese of the Rio Grande (ages 7 and up) are invited to come to St. James Church, Taos on May 14 at 1:30 PM for a time of fellowship, delicious ice cream, informal worship together, and a brief introduction to the Order of the Daughters of the King (DoK) by Cindy Davis, diocesan president of the DoK.
Even if you think you have no interest in the Daughters, come up and meet other women of the Diocese in Taos while enjoying a bit of fun and fellowship. There will be door prizes, plenty of ice cream (lactose-free and sugar-free options will be available), other snacks, and some surprises.
Contact Cindy Davis, diocesan president; or the St. James Office to RSVP so we’ll have enough goodies!
To Get to St. James (208 Camino de Santiago, Taos): St. James is located at the corner of Gusdorf Road and Camino de Santiago (Santiago Street), one block north of Paseo del Cañon East (Highway 585) and one block east of Paseo del Pueblo Sur. (Map at:
The Order of the Daughters of the King is a vibrant, international and ecumenical Sisterhood of women and girls who seek to live out their Baptismal vows in relationship with Christ and each other, through the shared disciplines of Prayer and Service and Evangelism to women and girls. Daughters can be members of the Episcopal, Lutheran, Anglican, or Roman Catholic Church.
Jr. Daughters are girls (churched or not) age 7 to 21. At 21 they transition to a Sr. Chapter.
(Download a poster)
(Download a poster)
March 3, 2016
Jane Torrance Sargent Chapter hosts a retreat on Julian of Norwich
About 50 women (and a few men) from around the diocese gathered for a quiet day focusing on the words of Julian of Norwich at St. Alban's, El Paso on February 27. The Rev. Jeanne Lutz opened with a thank you to the Jane Torrance
Sargent Daughters of the King chapter for hosting the retreat.
Jeanne noted that Julian of Norwich’s book is composed of her
revelations (‘showings’) of Divine Love. The real name of the author is unknown
and she is named for the church at which she was an anchoress. She was the
first to write in English and was a literary ground-breaker, esp. as a woman.
Julian was born in 1342 or 43. She received her ‘showings’ at age 30. There is
a short version and long version of the revelations, which are 16 visions of
the Passion of Christ.
From the time she was a child, Julian desired to be more at
one with Christ’s sufferings and to have the mind of his Passion. She also
requested three wounds: contrition, compassion, and the knowledge of God. These
she received at 30.
Dame Julian may have been a widow and probably was a mother,
given her emphasis on the ‘motherhood’ of God. Certainly she was an educated
person, living in Norwich which was a commercial hub and the second largest
city in England at the time.
Tradition usually shows her with a cat. The date of her
death is unknown, but the last known bequest for the ‘anchoress at Julian’ is
from 1423. In her lifetime she saw much tragedy including the black death,
peasant revolt, 100 year war, and collapse of the papacy. In all her writings,
Dame Julian, never criticized ‘Mother Church’. She refused even to judge her
own revelations, writing them down without comment. They show God’s
all-embracing love and the supreme example of this is found in the Passion.
For Dame Julian, the father creator was not complete without
the motherhood of God. She felt that the feminine imagery helps us understand
the totality of God who has the properties of Fatherhood, Motherhood, and
Lordship. Our soul is God’s beloved wife, and we are Christ’s sibling.
Julian was not the only mystic to use the feminine/mother
images and it is found in the Gospels (hen, woman searching for coin, etc.)
Julian noted that "God is everything that is
good..." Seen through eyes of creator everything is little and “We are
crowning glory of creation.” To Julian, the soul is God's dwelling, a ‘fine
city where Christ lives’. Our response to being God’s dwelling should be love
for one another. We find love shown fully in the Passion, because it is "God's
will that we have true delight in our salvation..."
In Session 2, Jeanne shared more about how Dame Julian felt
about sin and Christ’s Passion. In one of her showings, God asked Julian, "Are
you satisfied that I suffered for you?"
Julian also was very aware of the ‘Motherhood’ of God found
in the Incarnation and the Passion. Even though sin caused the Passion, God
assured Julian that "Sin is necessary...all will be well."
The word Julian uses for sin is ‘scourge’ and she sees us as
harassed by sin because we fall into sin from ignorance, foolishness, and not having
enough of God. Sin is like a disease to be healed and it violates the Christ in
us. Julian says that “Passion is overcoming of the fiend" who God permits
to work, because even Satan is in God’s hand.
Julian felt that the contemplation of other's sins creates a
mist, and we cannot see clearly, unless compassion is involved. We must first
learn to forgive self. This is through confession to love which makes power and
wisdom available to us. Then we can overcome doubtful fears and accept God's
forgiveness and turn back to him.
Julian noted that it is not what you are [now], but what you
desire to be that God sees. Jeanne related one of Julian’s showings that
involved a parable of a servant, who falls into a pit on his way to serving God.
God does not blame the servant for falling, but rather says, ‘See what injuries
my servant has had-should I not reward my servant?’ For Julian the servant is
us and is Christ and is Adam.
In Session 3, Jeanne explored Julian’s words on prayer, the
Holy Spirit, and the centrality of the Passion. Julian saw the Holy Spirit as a
kind nurse who kindles understanding, prepares the way, comforts souls, lifts
and strengthens. The Holy Spirit is like a mother at work in the church. We
part of the 'mother who works' through prayer in which our soul is united to
God through grace.
Prayer is not something we have to work on, we just do it
because prayer is inspired by God and will be conformed to God by God. Prayer
should be like a child to a parent and prayer is eternal. Julian says, "The
Lord is first receiver of prayer...[He] sets in a storehouse."
Julian also insisted that we don't need to worry about
figuring out God, but be satisfied with what is revealed. And the finality of
that revelation is “Love was his meaning."
The day closed with Eucharist in the chapel at St. Alban's. Thanks to the Jane Torrance Sargent Chapter and to all who participated.
February 3, 2016
Lent Retreats!
As part of your Lent discipline this year, consider attending one of these retreats or quiet days!
You can also participate in the Lent Lines on Facebook and on the Women's Ministry website. These daily bits of inspiration will be provided by members of the DOK Board and the Women's Council.
February 20 (8:30-noon): Lent Quiet Half Day of Scripture Reflections and Contemplative Prayer at Hope in the Desert Episcopal Church (8700 Alameda Blvd., NE, Albuquerque). Please join with other Daughters in this serene space. Coffee and registration 8:30-9:00 A.M. Program 9:30-11:30 A.M. Silent dismissal at 11:30 A.M. Please make reservations at 505-856-3394 by Monday, February 15, 2016 (sponsored by Light in the Desert DOK Chapter).
February 27 (8:30-3PM): A Day with Julian of Norwich (Meditations on the Passion of Christ) at St. Alban's, sponsored by the Jane Torrence Sargent Chapter of the DOK, led by the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz. Contact the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz by Feb. 20 to RSVP. Download the poster for your chapter here.
March 5 : Mysterious Lent with the Rev. Carole McGowan at Epiphany Church, Socorro. Come to Epiphany Church, Socorro on March 5 for a day of exploring the Mystery of God and how mystery novels can deepen our spiritual thinking. Studies show that mystery novels are a favorite genre and that the deductive thinking involved in reading them has an impact on our theology. There will be discussion of A Trick of Light by Louise Penny, meditations by the Rev. Canon Carole McGowan, quiet time, a ‘mystery lunch’, and plenty of fellowship with other women from around the diocese. We’ll start at 8:00 with fellowship and end by 3PM. Registration is $25 to cover lunch and supplies. You are encouraged to read the book, ahead of time. It is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Registrationonline or download the form!
You can also participate in the Lent Lines on Facebook and on the Women's Ministry website. These daily bits of inspiration will be provided by members of the DOK Board and the Women's Council.
February 20 (8:30-noon): Lent Quiet Half Day of Scripture Reflections and Contemplative Prayer at Hope in the Desert Episcopal Church (8700 Alameda Blvd., NE, Albuquerque). Please join with other Daughters in this serene space. Coffee and registration 8:30-9:00 A.M. Program 9:30-11:30 A.M. Silent dismissal at 11:30 A.M. Please make reservations at 505-856-3394 by Monday, February 15, 2016 (sponsored by Light in the Desert DOK Chapter).
February 27 (8:30-3PM): A Day with Julian of Norwich (Meditations on the Passion of Christ) at St. Alban's, sponsored by the Jane Torrence Sargent Chapter of the DOK, led by the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz. Contact the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz by Feb. 20 to RSVP. Download the poster for your chapter here.
March 5 : Mysterious Lent with the Rev. Carole McGowan at Epiphany Church, Socorro. Come to Epiphany Church, Socorro on March 5 for a day of exploring the Mystery of God and how mystery novels can deepen our spiritual thinking. Studies show that mystery novels are a favorite genre and that the deductive thinking involved in reading them has an impact on our theology. There will be discussion of A Trick of Light by Louise Penny, meditations by the Rev. Canon Carole McGowan, quiet time, a ‘mystery lunch’, and plenty of fellowship with other women from around the diocese. We’ll start at 8:00 with fellowship and end by 3PM. Registration is $25 to cover lunch and supplies. You are encouraged to read the book, ahead of time. It is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Registrationonline or download the form!
January 9, 2016
Daughters of the King in 2016
The Order of the Daughters of the King is an international
sisterhood of women and girls who take life-long vows of prayer and service.
There have been chapters of the Daughters of the King even before there was a
Diocese. The St. Agnes Chapter at the small church that is now the Cathedral of
St. John was founded in 1896, only 4 years after the church was established.
This was also only 11 years after the Daughters were founded in New York City!
Other chapters
followed across the (then) Missionary District. Throughout the decades,
Daughters have been prayer leaders in their parishes, offering service to their
church, community, and priest.
The most recent chapter, Daughters of Hope at
St. Matthew’s, Los Lunas continues that tradition by providing a clothing
ministry to those in need in Los Lunas. The Daughters of Hope presented the
Very Rev. Robert Mundy with the chaplain’s cross for the chapter on the First
Sunday of Advent, which happened to be the ninth anniversary of his becoming
rector at St. Matthew’s.
Throughout 2016, Daughters will be celebrating their
history, heritage, and future. This will culminate at the Daughters of the King
Assembly at Good Shepherd, Silver City on August 5-6. Interested women and
girls are invited to Tea on August 5 with Daughters from around the diocese, at
Good Shepherd Church.
There will be other opportunities to meet and learn about
Daughters, too, including an Ice Cream Social on May 14 at St. James’, Taos and
an informal gathering in El Paso. Watch for information about this and other
If you have questions about Daughters of the King, contact diocesan
president Cindy Davis,
or your parish priest.
January 2, 2016
This is The Year I purpose for DOK---
This is The Year
I purpose for DOK in the DRG:
I purpose for DOK in the DRG:
Embrace Growth
Engage in Change
Be Available to God
Believe in God's Work
Break Free
Daily Pray
Do New Things
Let Go of Control
Learn Blessing
Live Fully
Grow in Grace
With credit to Ann Voskamp A Holy Experience
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