As part of your Lent discipline this year, consider attending one of these retreats or quiet days!
You can also participate in the Lent Lines on Facebook and on the Women's Ministry website. These daily bits of inspiration will be provided by members of the DOK Board and the Women's Council.
February 20 (8:30-noon): Lent Quiet Half Day of Scripture Reflections and Contemplative Prayer at Hope in the Desert Episcopal Church (8700 Alameda Blvd., NE, Albuquerque). Please join with other Daughters in this serene space. Coffee and registration 8:30-9:00 A.M. Program 9:30-11:30 A.M. Silent dismissal at 11:30 A.M. Please make reservations at 505-856-3394 by Monday, February 15, 2016 (sponsored by Light in the Desert DOK Chapter).
February 27 (8:30-3PM): A Day with Julian of Norwich (Meditations on the Passion of Christ) at St. Alban's, sponsored by the Jane Torrence Sargent Chapter of the DOK, led by the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz. Contact the Rev. Dr. Jeanne Lutz by Feb. 20 to RSVP. Download the poster for your chapter here.
March 5 : Mysterious Lent with the Rev. Carole McGowan at Epiphany Church, Socorro. Come to Epiphany Church, Socorro on March 5 for a day of exploring the Mystery of God and how mystery novels can deepen our spiritual thinking. Studies show that mystery novels are a favorite genre and that the deductive thinking involved in reading them has an impact on our theology. There will be discussion of A Trick of Light by Louise Penny, meditations by the Rev. Canon Carole McGowan, quiet time, a ‘mystery lunch’, and plenty of fellowship with other women from around the diocese. We’ll start at 8:00 with fellowship and end by 3PM. Registration is $25 to cover lunch and supplies. You are encouraged to read the book, ahead of time. It is available on Amazon and elsewhere. Registrationonline or download the form!