November 5, 2016

Christmas Party, Sponsored by the Daughters

This year, for our Christmas Party, we are doing something a bit different. Instead of being 'just' for Daughters and ladies interested in Daughters, we are inviting all women of the Diocese to join in our celebration and a Special Outreach Event, benefiting the Women's Circle of Empowerment. 

Please download the poster and share this info with women in your parish!

Christmas Party & Outreach Collection!
December 17: 2PM

Bosque Center (6400 Coors NW, ABQ)
For: All women, (Sponsored by: Daughters of the King)
What? Christmas Goodies and Fellowship
Including a Special Collection for Women’s Circle of Empowerment (an outreach of the DRG). Participants in the program will be at the party to tell us about the ministry.
Let’s come together as women of the diocese, to offer a hand of friendship and empowerment. Collect some of the essential items listed on the poster. Bring them with you to the Christmas Party and meet some of these courageous women.

Invite a friend to come, enjoy the fellowship, and support these women. RSVP to Cindy by Dec. 10.

PS: If you'd like to help with goodies or set up for the Party, contact Cindy!