January 30, 2017

Lent Activities by Daughters in the DRG

Daughters of the King are busy with activities this Lent. A couple (currently known about) are:

Women of Lent: 
March 4, 2017, 9-2 at St. Andrew's in Las Cruces
Facilitated by Cindy Davis, 
Sponsored by the Santa Rosa Chapter of the DOK
We'll explore what Mary Magdalene and other women of the 1st Century can teach us, as women of the 21st Century about living in Faith, Hope, and Love. Lunch is provided. Contact Christine Courtney to RSVP.

Women of the Gospel Witness Jesus

April 7 at 7PM at Hope Episcopal, ABQ

Come experience Jesus of Nazareth from His birth to His death and resurrection through the stories of twelve women of Scripture who knew Jesus.
Hear their heartfelt stories.
Prepare to celebrate the joys of Easter by accompanying these women as they interact with Jesus throughout His ministries and to the cross.
Learn about the revolutionary and counter-cultural relationship Jesus had with women.
Understand the importance of the witness of women in the narrative of Jesus.
Bring your friends and family to encounter Jesus through the witness of the women who knew him.
Free will offering accepted at the door.  Free childcare will be available.
The women of the Light in the Desert Chapter of the Daughters of the King at Hope+in+the+Desert Church are actively supporting this production.  Three of the Daughters portray women in the play and others are hands behind the scenes. Written by the Rev. Jane Ross. (hopepiscopal.org/wogwj.html

If you know of other Lent events by Daughters, please let Cindy know.

January 9, 2017

A Fabulous Party!!

The Bosque Center Residence Hall was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation on the afternoon of December 17 when four dozen women arrived for the Christmas party sponsored by the Daughters of the King of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. All attendees received an ornament, one of Cynthia Davis’ books, and a Mary Kay lotion for attending. After finding a comfy chair, those who wanted to had the opportunity to make an ‘Inspiration Box’. This is a small box, individually decorated. Inspirational sayings and Bible verses were provided to go inside to be referred to when a pick-me-up is needed. The ladies were encouraged to continue adding their favorite scriptures and sayings throughout the next year.

 Everyone had fun greeting old and new friends and a lively time ensued as favorite Christmas traditions were shared. Door prizes were given out for the person with the most candy canes in each small group, after a fun game. Mary Kay Cosmetics gift sets were also awarded.
Among those attending were half a dozen members of the Women’s Circle of Empowerment (a ministry of the Diocese to and by women who have experienced homelessness firsthand). These women are "building a strong community through encouragement, support and perseverance." Founder Amy Malick shared the history of the group. Members of the Women’s Circle thanked those present for the outpouring of love evident in the donations from those at the party, and from many who could not attend. The shampoos and lotions, toothbrushes and cleaning supplies, socks and paper goods filled the foyer at the Residence Hall. The women noted that they would be able to share the bounty with other women in the ministry as well as friends who are still on the streets, thus making the gifts even more meaningful as they are re-gifted.

Thanks to the Daughters of the King in Albuquerque who helped with the food and arrangements. The cookies, cheese, crackers, fruit and chocolate were all delicious and greatly enjoyed. The response to this event was overwhelming positive with requests to make this an annual event.
Amy Malick, coordinator of the Women's Circle of Empowerment sent a thank you, stating, in part, "Honestly, we were completely overwhelmed and unprepared to thank you and the group properly at the time. Even an email thanks is inadequate, but I wanted to drop you this note before any more time passed to let you know how deeply we were touched by your thoughtfulness. The party was a blast. I need to get with you for help finding cool crafts on Pinterest. We put out supplies at our women's meetings, and could use some new ideas. The refreshments, the decorations, the games - all were such a treat....there's a huge amount of stuff left, which makes for a great group project to figure out how to distribute the things in a fair way. There's enough for the women, and lots for them to share in their outreach into the community."