May 21, 2018

Deepening Prayer: DOK Assembly 2018

We will gather for Diocesan Assembly at the Bosque Center in Albuquerque on August 3-4 for fellowship, business, and an inspirational retreat with Deborah Smith Douglas entitled Deepening Prayer. The Daughters of the King, St. Chad’s Chapter, Albuquerque have been working on plans for a delightful time.  All Assembly events will be at the Bosque Center.
Registration is $50 and covers 3 meals by the Bosque Center’s Chef Jerry (always delicious). Register with the button below via PayPal or Credit Card. Or download the packet and mail your registration. Deadline is July 10. Junior Daughters are $5/girl. 
Single rooms (shared bathroom) are available at the Bosque Center for $52/night (reserve with your registration. Please don't call the Bosque Center about DOK rooms). There are also a limited number of rooms available in Daughter’s homes. You can make your own reservations at nearby hotels if you prefer.
After dinner at the Bosque Center on Friday evening, Deborah Smith Douglas has agreed to have an informal time to chat with us about her books (available from Dona Ace). Saturday morning will be our business meeting, starting at 8:30AM. We will be electing new officers to serve for the next three years. A slate is in the packet and nominations from the floor will be accepted as well.
At 10:30AM, on Saturday, our retreat time with Deborah Smith Douglas will begin. The day will end with Eucharist at about 3PM.  You can invite friends to come to the Retreat and Lunch. Open registration for non-Daughters ($15) will begin on July 10, so Daughters are encouraged to make their reservations before that date!
All chapters may nominate a charitable group for the annual diocesan grant monies using the form in the packet. The recipients will be voted on during the business meeting. As outreach, we are  supporting the Saranam Ministry with donations this year. Details are in the packet about this housing outreach to homeless families.  
As outreach, we are supporting the Saranam Ministry with donations this year. Details are in the packet about this housing outreach to homeless families and donation needed.  

Register below for Assembly for DOK & JDOK and for a room if you want one at the Bosque Center. Registration for non-Daughters is $20 and will be available July 1. 

Reserve a room at the Bosque Center separately using the 2nd menu. (Sorry there were problems with trying to lump it all into one form, so it's a 2 step process now.) NOTE-if you add the registration to your cart and then come back and do the room, both will show up in your cart and you can pay just once instead of having to pay separately


Room Reservation