January 21, 2013

Getting to Know-St. Agnes Chapter, Albuquerque

We start our overview of chapters across the Diocese of the Rio Grande with a look at the St. Agnes Chapter at the Cathedral.

The St. Agnes Chapter, Cathedral of St. John has been in existence since 1896. Back then most of the women at St. John's (Parish then, not Cathedral) were members both of the chapter and of the altar guild, which was their main ministry. Over the years, changes have taken place and there have been times when only 1 or 2 women remained active Daughters. Each time, a resurrgence has taken place and the chapter comes back to serve in new and different ways.
St. Agnes Chapter welcomed five new members in January 2012. The St. Brigid Jr. Chapter practiced prayer and service this year by making scarves, creating a prayer cross, and folding Pentecost doves. One girl was admitted as a new Jr. Daughter bringing the total to 6.
The chapter led interested Cathedral ladies in a series Exploring Prayer that looked at various types of prayer. We also coordinated the Lent 2012 Diocesan Women’s Retreat with Dean Mark Goodman as the speaker about the Spirituality of the Eucharist.  

Members are active in many diverse ministries at St. John’s, including as lectors, ushers, and members of the altar guild. The St. Agnes chapter served breakfast for the First Sunday Breakfast at St. John’s. We also welcomed members from various Albuquerque chapters to the third Annual Christmas Tea. The chapter sponsored a Fall Quiet Day for women of the Cathedral that focused on being women of prayer, led by Cynthia Davis. Both events were well received and had good attendance.
New officers were elected in May and will take office in August.
The Cathedral welcomed all Daughters of the DRG to the DOK Assembly in August of 2012. We meet the 3rd Saturday of the month at 10AM. If you are in Albuquerque, stop by the Cathedral and say 'hi'.

Be sure to check out the calendar page of the blog to see what's happening in the DOK world of the Diocese and Province, too.

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