June 26, 2015

Triennial Thoughts-Go Light your World!

The weekend before General Convention, approximately 500 women from around the world gathered in Midway, UT for the Triennial Assembly of the Order of the Daughters of the King. There were representatives from every Province and 18 countries, including 8 women from the Diocese of the Rio Grande.

The four day assembly was filled with music, worship, inspiring talks, workshops, and fun. Susan O’Brien from the Diocese of Chicago was elected as the next National President. She will serve for 3 years, with the able assistance of 14 other members of the National Council.

Bishop Hyashi of the Diocese of Utah gave a warm welcome to the women on June 20. Bishop Sylvestre Romero, National DOK Chaplain, preached at the opening Eucharist. He focused on the theme of Triennial, ‘Shining the Light of Christ’, noting that in the presence of God darkness and chaos disappear. He encouraged Daughters to tell the story of the Light as we live and serve the Real Jesus.

Canon Andrew White, the ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ was one of the keynote speakers. He encouraged the Daughters to know that whatever we do, and wherever we go or whatever danger we are in, God is with us and will help us. White stated that his job, and ours, is to care for the survivors, as well as loving their (and our) enemies. Canon White was especially encouraging toward the ministry of the Jr. Daughters. One of the Triennial workshops also highlighted the need to evangelize our children and especially our Jr. Daughters. They are living in a world that needs a generative, imaginative faith that will let God’s love BURST into their lives. Just like Bishop Romero stated, we and our young women must know that they belong to the Story of Faith. By supporting our youngsters, we plant in them the knowledge that God is actively present in their lives.

Canon White preached at the inspiring Sunday Eucharist, held outside on the hillside of the Zermott Resort. Afterward, he joined the Jr. Daughters on the hillside. Hundreds of blankets, brought by the ladies to sit on during the Eucharist were donated to local shelters.

The second Triennial speaker was the Rev. Becca Stevens, founder of Magdalene Ministries and Thistle Farms. This ministry helps women break free from a life of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The women find a haven and learn how to work by making candles, lotions, and other items. Stevens stated that the “Holy Spirit moves us to dance in our brokenness.” She noted that people who are hungry, thirsty, in prison, or hurting do not care if we feel inspired at that moment. They see in us the Light of Christ as we minister to them.

One of the women who has been helped by the Thistle Farms ministry shared her story. She said the key is to keep shining the light, by telling our story, because we don’t know who needs to see the light and hear our story.

At the closing banquet, Becca Stevens gifted each person with a candle made at Thistle Farms as a symbol of carrying the Light of Christ into the world. Music leader Roger Greiner led the group in singing Go Light Your World while the candles were lighted and held out.

View a slide show of images from Triennial here.

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