During the August meeting of the DOK Diocesan Board, we discussed ways to promote and share who Daughters of the King is/are.
Rather than being a 'hidden' group that some might think is a 'secret' or 'invite only' group, let's share the excitement of being a Daughter of the King of Kings and part of a Sisterhood that is world-wide!
Probably you are already doing at least some of these things, but your parish may not be aware that it is being done by the Daughters of the King. Phat's where PUBLICIZE and INVITE come in. Share what you are doing and plan to do in your parish communications and maybe even have a DOK page on your parish website!! Encourage others to see Daughters as more than just 'old women praying!'
Some fun ideas for doing this that we came up with are found on the new page of the website: Sharing DOK. Check it out! You may already be doing some of these things. Probably you have some other great ideas that you've tried. Let's SHARE ideas!!
Another thing we'll be sharing between now and esp. AT Assembly 2016 is the history of each of our Chapters. (Make a note that's Aug. 5 & 6 in Silver City!) Your chapter has been asked to do a bit of research about the history and founding of your chapter, so help you president with any info you might have!
As a Diocesan Board we want to implement some of these things to make us more visible on a Diocesan level...like having a new Diocesan Banner to use in procession at Convention and to take to Triennial in 3 years. So... we are having a "Design our Diocesan Banner" contest from now until Diocesan Assembly in 2016. Take a look at some of the banners pictured on the cover of the Royal Cross for the past several issues and think about what can be done to make ours more representative of who we are as Daughters in the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Start thinking now, and watch for more details about this contest.
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