May 17, 2017

DOK Assembly

Dear Sisters in Christ, Daughters of the Diocese of the Rio Grande,
You are most cordially invited and encouraged to attend Assembly 2017 on July 28-29 at Grace Episcopal Church (508 W Fox, Carlsbad, NM). This year we will focus on Turning Sorrow into Dancing: Redeem the WorldOur Prayer and Service, as Daughters, is a way to do exactly that. Bring ideas for service and prayer that you and your chapter already do which help heal the brokenness of the world. There will be time to share our ideas and ministry with each other, as well. Canon Raymond Raney will be our keynote speaker.
Assembly starts FRIDAY, July 28 at 5PM with registration, followed by a light dinner, hosted by the Diocesan Board. Invite a friend who is interested in the DOK invited to attend-there is no cost for prospective members. In a change from our ‘tradition,’ our business meeting will be Saturday afternoon. Lunch will be hosted by the Redeeming Grace Chapter (Guests are welcome at lunch for $10/ person/meal, see registration.) Assembly ends around 3:30 PM on Saturday, allowing time for some browsing in Carlsbad. All are encouraged to attend services at Grace Church on Sunday morning at 8:30 or 10:30AM.
Download the entire packet to get all the information you’ll need, with registration forms and information about hotels where rooms have been arranged for us at the rates ranging from $119-129/night. (Thanks Barbara W.!) Share a room with a friend and split the cost! Rates are good until July 15.
Registration for Assembly 2017 is $40 for adult and $5 for Junior Daughters and includes the cost of the Friday Dinner and Saturday lunch. You can register through the PayPal link below (even if you don’t have PayPal), or download and mail your registration. You can also ask your Chapter president for a copy of the registration packet.
One ministry we will hear about at Assembly is the Carlsbad “Backpacks for Hunger” program. This ministry received the Provincial Assembly grant for the Diocese of the Rio Grande. You are encouraged to bring food or a monetary donation to support this outreach, too. A list of suggested items is included in the packet.
In the Registration packet is a “Nomination of Ministry” form. If you or your chapter would like to suggest a ministry or organization to receive a portion of the outreach monies designated at each Assembly, please complete and return the form as noted. Everyone will get a list of the nominated charities in their folder at Assembly. This will help us make more informed decisions about use of our money.

As part of the business of the Order, we will be forming a Nominating Committee to prayerfully find and call Sisters in Christ who are willing to stand for election to the offices of President, First and Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections will be at Assembly 2018 the first weekend of August 2018 at the Bosque Center in Albuquerque. Is God calling you to be part of the Nominating Committee or to serve as an officer?


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