Nineteen Diocesan Presidents from around Province 7 gathered at the Montserrat Retreat Center in Dallas, TX in September for a time of fellowship, sharing, and learning. By the end, we had gained new friends and shared in worship and laughter. Each of us has a new prayer partner-a fellow diocesan president-with whom to share prayer needs and joys.
New Diocesan Presidents, like Cindy Davis of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, were warmly welcomed by returning presidents and by Brenda Amos, Province 7 President. Her vision is to see Daughters across the Province grow closer to Jesus and to one another in fellowship and to grow the Daughters of the King in our parishes, dioceses, and across the Province.
Communication is a big part of that effort: Communicating who we are as Daughters of the King to others and communicating between and amongst ourselves! In the Diocese of the Rio Grande, blogs, newsletters, email, face-to-face, and other forms of communication will be used to help existing chapters grow stronger and encourage new chapters to form. Like the sun rising at Montserrat over Lake Dallas, we CAN be stronger and faithful to our vows!
One thing we are all aware of is the need to interest younger women and girls in the DOK. To that end, I'm challenging each Daughter to invite a younger woman to one of your meetings. The idea of a 'Bishop's Chapter' of Jr. Daughters that would be Diocesan wide is also being considered because some parishes really don't have enough girls to form individual chapters.
At the Prov. 7 Meeting we were encouraged to have each Daughter think about 3 questions: “What
did you expect when you joined the DOK?” and “Where are you now?” and “Where
are we going?” Post some of your answers here in the comments sections-one way to keep in touch!
During the meeting both the Prayer Chair and the Service Chair suggested that we consider looking at the way we do 'prayer lists' and 'service'. In fact, we were urged to think outside the box and maybe even rename these activities. Denise is calling the Provincial prayer list a "Symphony of Prayer" (lovely, don't you think) and Marilyn says we need to consider service as working with "Holy Urgency" (under the guidance of the Holy Spirit)! Remember there is a Prayer page on this blog. Remember, this is only as good as the prayers you send in. If you feel called to be the Diocesan Prayer Chair-contact for prayer requests and worship assistant at DOK gatherings, let Cindy know.
A "Service or Holy Urgency Page" can be added if there is interest in sharing service ideas around the Diocese-and I think we should be sharing.
All chapter presidents have received a letter with lots of other fun info from the Prov. 7 meeting. Ask them to share!
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