November 15, 2015

Christmas Party and Cookie Exchange, plus Lilliput House Sale

Christmas Party & Cookie Exchange!
December 5: 11AM
Cathedral (318 Silver SW, ABQ)
For: Anyone interested in learning more about the Daughters of the King. and esp., current Daughters of the King!
What? Lunch by the St. Agnes Chapter & Cookie Exchange (bring a couple dozen cookies-or just a container to take home some cookies) 
The Cathedral Gift Shop and Bible Room will be open, plus a selection of Lilliput Houses will be for sale.
Invite a friend to come and enjoy the fellowship, and learn a little about DOK. RSVP to Linda or Cindy by November 30.

November 10, 2015

Purpose of a Chapter meeting

Fr. Mike Gemignani, Prov. 7 Chaplain, noted in his blog: 
"I recently taught a session for prospective Daughters that included the component on the purpose of the Order.  The DOK training manual states that the purpose of the Order is evangelism.  I pointed out that in my long experience with the DOK, most Daughters, and I myself, consider the primary purpose of the Order to be prayer.  I wanted a DOK chapter at my church in Freeport so that the Daughters would pray for me and St. Paul's.  The prayer list has always been of great import to any chapter.
 But prayer is not an end in itself.  Prayer should intimately express our relationship with God.  Prayer should open us to the transforming power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives, and help us become channels of God's love and power in the world.  A Daughter should engage in a life of prayer and loving obedience to the Rule as a means to continuing growth in holiness, to open herself more to the work God must do in her to bring her to union.  In other words, the ultimate purpose of the Order is to help Daughters grow spiritually, to help them move toward union.
 Therefore the chapter meetings should somehow further this purpose.  The chapter meeting should encourage, challenge, and support a Daughter in spiritual growth and hold her accountable to fidelity to the Rule because it is the Rule that is intended to be the instrument of this growth."
What are your thoughts about this?How does your chapter encourage, challenge, and support your Daughters? Does the prayer of the Order lead to evangelism?
Can this logo from Triennial 2012 offer inspiration for praying and evangelizing? 

October 4, 2015

Report on Prov. 7 Board Meeting

Act Justly and Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with your God (Micah 6:8)

The weekend of Sept. 25-27 I was in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the fall meeting of the Prov. 7 Board. The Prov.7 Board is made up of all Diocesan Presidents in Prov. 7, the Prayer, Service, Jr. DOK, and Evangelism chairs, and of course the Provincial President, Secretary, Treasurer and Chaplain. (The picture is of all of us at a Mexican restaurant in Hot Springs, AR.) The Board meets twice a year-in the fall and before Provincial Assembly. It’s a time of sharing ideas and being inspired by each other through fellowship and discussion. Bear with me and at least skim this rather long letter-there’s a lot of news and info!
Fr. Mike, Prov. 7 Chaplain, led the board in an exercise about visioning our ministry as servant leaders in our dioceses. A vision, you know, is different than a goal. The vision is the overarching dream, while goals are the steps to get to that vision. My vision for the Daughters in the Diocese of the Rio Grande is to find a deeper understanding of who we are as a Sisterhood in Christ. This will help us each grow spiritually, both individually and corporately, into more effective servant leaders in our parishes and all our ministries.
The goal is to provide growth opportunities and spiritual aids for spiritual growth within and through our Sisterhood. In reaching that goal I’ll need the help of each Daughter. Together we can communicate about prayer and service opportunities that have strengthened us, and our history as chapters and as a diocesan assembly. (Remember Marta and Ann are already working to gather that info as the Service and Prayer chairs of our Diocese.) Ways of communicating include the e-news, and e-mails, plus checking Facebook and here for new information. We’ll also be hosting deanery meetings over the next 3 years of my term to get together in smaller groups for study, training, and to share about DOK with interested women.
If you believe that Daughters of the King is important-come alongside and be part of the Celebration of Who we Are and Where we are Going… our theme for Diocesan Assembly 2016 in Silver City (August 5-6, 2016)! Together we CAN build stronger Daughters in the Diocese, which will encourage and influence new women and girls to join our Sisterhood.
A few bits of interest from the business part of the meeting. The Micah verse above is President Pat Hind’s theme for her 3 year term. We’ll be exploring the parts of that verse at upcoming Provincial Assemblies. At the 2016 Provincial Assembly (April 22-24, 2016 in Ft. Worth, TX), the topic will be “Walk Justly”. I hope we can have a nice representation for the 2016 Assembly. It’s about a 10 hour drive from Albuquerque, and we can look into the idea of carpools! We also got news that you’ll be hearing from the National Office soon-about cross prices and when new Daughters will start paying dues. The Province 7 website has been redone and has photos from Triennial and from our Board meeting. Check it out!
The Provincial Service Chair suggested that each chapter consider the service project of making needlepoint crosses to be given to new Daughters in Africa. Because of the numbers of women becoming DOK, and because many cannot afford the cross, and because in some places it is still dangerous to wear the silver cross, women are given a blue needlepoint cross when they are installed. If you are interested, I have the size and directions. We would bring all our needlepoint crosses to Provincial Assembly and they would be sent to the National office for distribution in Africa.
Tory and Jackie are the joint JDOK chairs. As adult Daughters, we are encouraged to grow and support Juniors-not just because they are the future of the Order, but because girls need the mentoring we can offer and they can give us new enthusiasm by their joy and faith. (Please read the attached letter about Junior DOK and see if God is calling you to leadership of these girls.)
Those of you who attended the Provincial Assembly in Albuquerque will recall a presentation about Daughters Going Deeper, a one-on-one, in depth, mentored study for Daughters interested in deepening their walk with Christ. (The photo is of the 'beta' group at graduation during the Board meeting.) This is a 2-year commitment and offers a chance to really dig into living into our vows. Each president was encouraged to find 7 women interested in this program. Ask Cindy or Deborah Tischler for more information.

The final part of the Board meeting was a retreat led by Fr. Mike about our relationship with God and how that is built and grows through prayer and relationship. He noted that the verse “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength” isn’t a command to us, but a promise from God who will help us love. Church (and Daughters of the King) is not something that God needs, it builds relationship and unity with one another and with God. We are part of a special Sisterhood and community of faith that is not just in our parish, or even restricted to our diocese. Indeed, we are part of a world-wide Order that changes lives!

Watch for info about the Design the Diocesan Banner contest, too! 

Stop by the DOK/Women of the Diocese table at Convention if you are attending. 

September 20, 2015

How can we Share about Daughters of the King

During the August meeting of the DOK Diocesan Board, we discussed ways to promote and share who Daughters of the King is/are.
Rather than being a 'hidden' group that some might think is a 'secret' or 'invite only' group, let's share the excitement of being a Daughter of the King of Kings and part of a Sisterhood that is world-wide!

Probably you are already doing at least some of these things, but your parish may not be aware that it is being done by the Daughters of the King. Phat's where PUBLICIZE and INVITE come in. Share what you are doing and plan to do in your parish communications and maybe even have a DOK page on your parish website!! Encourage others to see Daughters as more than just 'old women praying!'

Some fun ideas for doing this that we came up with are found on the new page of the website: Sharing DOK. Check it out! You may already be doing some of these things. Probably you have some other great ideas that you've tried. Let's SHARE ideas!!

Another thing we'll be sharing between now and esp. AT Assembly 2016 is the history of each of our Chapters. (Make a note that's Aug. 5 & 6 in Silver City!) Your chapter has been asked to do a bit of research about the history and founding of your chapter, so help you president with any info you might have!

As a Diocesan Board we want to implement some of these things to make us more visible on a Diocesan having a new Diocesan Banner to use in procession at Convention and to take to Triennial in 3 years. So... we are having a "Design our Diocesan Banner" contest from now until Diocesan Assembly in 2016.  Take a look at some of the banners pictured on the cover of the Royal Cross for the past several issues and think about what can be done to make ours more representative of who we are as Daughters in the Diocese of the Rio Grande. Start thinking now, and watch for more details about this contest.

August 12, 2015

Diocesan Board Retreat and Planning Meeting

The Daughters of the King Diocesan Board met for a time of planning and worship at the Bosque Center the weekend of August 7-8. Our theme was the story of Gideon who, like Daughters, was called by God to accomplish great things through the Spirit of the Lord. Saturday morning was spent in reflection on what the story of Gideon (Judges 6-7) can tell us about stepping out in faith as Daughters. We shared why we are Daughters and what prayer and service ministries we are involved in. (This involved a torch and trumpets!)

After lunch, we got down to some real strategic planning for the coming year and beyond. Our planning was sustained by nibbling on some sheep cookies. Exciting ideas, inspired by the Holy Spirit, were captured. Then we prioritized what to focus on for the coming year. You'll be hearing a lot more about things like "Daughter's Days", Publicity aids, Jr. Daughters in the Diocese and, of course, Assembly 2016! 

It turns out that there has been a Daughters presence in the Diocese since at least 1896. The first recorded record is from St. John's Cathedral when women's ministry minutes note that the St. John's DOK, established 'by 1896', maintained the altar linens and furnishings, 'until a separate altar guild formed'. In 1898, the chapter donated money for the first Missal Stand. Years later they donated a fleur 'd' leis style processional cross. Because 2016 will be the 120th year of Daughters in the Diocese, we are planning to make the upcoming Assembly one of celebration of the history of all chapters in the Diocese. Chapters are encouraged to find out as much about their history as possible!

The Diocesan Board was installed at the Cathedral on August 9. (Some were absent in person due to travel, and one auto accident, but all were present in spirit.) We look forward to serving with one another and all the Daughters in the Diocese. It is our prayer that each chapter and Daughter will find new inspiration in being a Daughter of the King in the Diocese of the Rio Grande! Click on the chapter page to find a list of the officers and links to their emails. 

June 26, 2015

Triennial Thoughts-Go Light your World!

The weekend before General Convention, approximately 500 women from around the world gathered in Midway, UT for the Triennial Assembly of the Order of the Daughters of the King. There were representatives from every Province and 18 countries, including 8 women from the Diocese of the Rio Grande.

The four day assembly was filled with music, worship, inspiring talks, workshops, and fun. Susan O’Brien from the Diocese of Chicago was elected as the next National President. She will serve for 3 years, with the able assistance of 14 other members of the National Council.

Bishop Hyashi of the Diocese of Utah gave a warm welcome to the women on June 20. Bishop Sylvestre Romero, National DOK Chaplain, preached at the opening Eucharist. He focused on the theme of Triennial, ‘Shining the Light of Christ’, noting that in the presence of God darkness and chaos disappear. He encouraged Daughters to tell the story of the Light as we live and serve the Real Jesus.

Canon Andrew White, the ‘Vicar of Baghdad’ was one of the keynote speakers. He encouraged the Daughters to know that whatever we do, and wherever we go or whatever danger we are in, God is with us and will help us. White stated that his job, and ours, is to care for the survivors, as well as loving their (and our) enemies. Canon White was especially encouraging toward the ministry of the Jr. Daughters. One of the Triennial workshops also highlighted the need to evangelize our children and especially our Jr. Daughters. They are living in a world that needs a generative, imaginative faith that will let God’s love BURST into their lives. Just like Bishop Romero stated, we and our young women must know that they belong to the Story of Faith. By supporting our youngsters, we plant in them the knowledge that God is actively present in their lives.

Canon White preached at the inspiring Sunday Eucharist, held outside on the hillside of the Zermott Resort. Afterward, he joined the Jr. Daughters on the hillside. Hundreds of blankets, brought by the ladies to sit on during the Eucharist were donated to local shelters.

The second Triennial speaker was the Rev. Becca Stevens, founder of Magdalene Ministries and Thistle Farms. This ministry helps women break free from a life of sexual exploitation and trafficking. The women find a haven and learn how to work by making candles, lotions, and other items. Stevens stated that the “Holy Spirit moves us to dance in our brokenness.” She noted that people who are hungry, thirsty, in prison, or hurting do not care if we feel inspired at that moment. They see in us the Light of Christ as we minister to them.

One of the women who has been helped by the Thistle Farms ministry shared her story. She said the key is to keep shining the light, by telling our story, because we don’t know who needs to see the light and hear our story.

At the closing banquet, Becca Stevens gifted each person with a candle made at Thistle Farms as a symbol of carrying the Light of Christ into the world. Music leader Roger Greiner led the group in singing Go Light Your World while the candles were lighted and held out.

View a slide show of images from Triennial here.

June 21, 2015

Triennial Day 2

Today was really kind of a Sabbath day. We started with a glorious, Spirit-filled Eucharist outside on the hillside by the Zermott gazebo. We had been asked to bring a blanket to sit on for the service. Afterward these were blessed and will be donated to shelters in UT.

Come to the presentation on Saturday to see a video of the procession!
Most of our time base been in the Bernese center at Zermott.

The speaker today was Becca Stevens of Thistle Farms and Magdalene ministries. She gave an inspiring talk, reminding the ladies of the strength of community and the power in supporting each other. She also said to expect the unexpected with the Holy Spirit and not to put too much emphasis on committees and long range plan. If the Spirit is in the activity it will have a life of its own.
Tomorrow's agenda includes ratifying by laws changes, election of anew National board, and any other business of the Order. The time is flying by with all the activities and fellowship and praise music!

June 20, 2015

Images from Triennial

The Rio Grande delegation arrived at Midway, UT on Friday. Bertie, Andrea, Deborah, and Toni also represented the diocese. Part of us are staying at the Homestead part and part up the hill at Zermott.

 Maddy the bear, wearing a DoK scarf and cross welcomed guests to Zermott while an adorable unknown greets guests at Homestead, decked in a cross, too.

Cindy is at Homestead and climbed the 72 steps to the top of the Homestead Crater. She was rewarded with a fabulous 360 degree view of the valley and a nice look at Zermott.

The provincial dinners were on Friday night and your delegation presented highlights of the Rio Grande in a song loosely based on "America" from West Side Story. Imelda even dressed in a chili costume!

Day one of Triennial was packed with activities. We started with the entry of the Triennial torch and Eucharist. Bishops Romero, Skilton, and Hyashi con-celebrated. Romero 's sermon reminded us that as Daughters we shine light into the darkness.

After approval of the previous triennial minutes, finance reports, and other basic business, 19 nominee for National council were introduced. Each woman had 2 minutes to answer the question "how do we take the DoK into the 21st century and what gifts do you have for that task?"

Canon Andrew White from Baghdad spoke after lunch. He shared stories of how the children of Iraq won't deny their Jesus.

After the International dinner, everyone marched and sang to the hall for international sharing.
Remember the meeting on Saturday, June 27 to learn more about the fun and workshops and even the new online dues payments

June 17, 2015

Triennial is almost here

Watch for news from the Rio Grande delegation to Triennial.
We look forward to sharing bits of interesting things from the Zermott.
Then come to the Cathedral on June 27 at 11am for a complete report, and light refreshments.

June 7, 2015

Tracking Triennial 2015 (June 19-23)

As you know-the Daughters will be gathering in Midway, UT in just a couple of weeks. At this time there are 9 attending from the Rio Grande, plus one husband. Please keep Marta, Brenda, Imelda, Cindy, Nettie, Andrea, Deborah, Antoinette, and Karol in prayer for safe travel and fun experiences.
We will be taking all of you with us in spirit, as we share the special chili prayers with sisters from around the Province AND around the world. Triennial is a time for all Daughters to gather for fellowship and worship, as well as the business of the Order. Those attending are looking forward to hearing the speakers, visiting the vendors, and attending workshops!

You'll be able to follow Triennial happenings on the Daughters Facebook page, on Twitter @TheDOK1885 and #DOKTRI2015. Cindy will also be posting here and DRG Women's Facebook page about her thoughts and experiences.
Remember to participate in the Triennial (and General Convention) Prayer Vigil, as explained in the Royal Cross and in the recent CrossLinks e-newsletter:
"We are asking Daughters everywhere to unite in 14 days of prayer for the Triennial meeting, from June 11 through June 25. We will pray daily for the unleashing of the Holy Spirit and offer specific prayer concerns each day. Prayers will be offered throughout Triennial and all Daughters are invited to join us in praying for God's guidance and an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Episcopal General Convention. A calendar of prayers of special intention for the Prayer Vigil June 11 through July 4, 2015, will be published in The Royal Cross and available online. Daughters in other denominations are encouraged to pray daily for their own leadership gatherings." 

As a followup-- All interested Daughters are invited to the Cathedral on June 27 at 11AM. Cindy and other members of the Rio Grande delegation will share their thoughts and impressions of Triennial. We'll serve some light refreshments, and maybe even have some photos or videos from Triennial!
Please remember to keep your DOK Board in prayer as we meet  August 7-8 to do praying and planning! Everyone is invited to the service of installation of the officers at the Cathedral on August 9 during the 10AM service. If you have ideas you'd like to share, contact Cindy or one of the other officers.

May 24, 2015

Welcome New Members

In the past month, we have welcomed 5 new Daughters to the Daughters of Hope Chapter as St. Matthew's, Los Lunas and 5 new Daughters to St. Chad's Chapter, (St. Chad's, ABQ), plus 2 members reactivating after a period of inactivity!
A dozen new Sisters in Christ...and that's just the ones that I, as Diocesan President, have been able to be present to welcome and install! I know that there are others across the Diocese in discernment and being installed! The Spirit of our Lord is moving in the hearts of women across the Rio Grande to become part of the Order. It's an exciting time.
Share your photos and new members with Cindy, so we can recognize them here.
Daughters of Hope Chapter,
instituted and installed April 19, 2015
St. Chad's Chapter with new members,
and members of the St. Agnes Chapter
May 24, 2015
All Daughters are invited to the Cathedral on June 27 at 11AM for a light brunch and a report on Triennial from Diocesan President Cindy Davis and, hopefully, other attendees from the Rio Grande. Please keep DOK Triennial (June 19-23) and the General Convention of the Episcopal Church (June 25-July 3) in your prayers.

Your new Diocesan Board (elected at Convention in April) will be meeting in retreat at the Bosque Center in August to get-to-know each other, pray and brainstorm. The Board will be installed at St. John's Cathedral on Sunday, August 9 at 10AM. All are invited to attend. 

Be aware that Dues Payments will be handled differently starting this year. We are all being asked to pay online on the National Website. You can do that now, or wait until you get an email invoice from the National Office reminding you that dues need to be paid by September 1.  During this time of transition, you can still pay your dues by mail, but chapters will not be collecting dues from all members.

April 12, 2015

Assembly 2015-We Gather, We Fellowship, We Serve

Daughters of the King from around Province 7 met for their annual Assembly at St. John’s Cathedral in Albuquerque on April 10-11, 2015. The theme was “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” Speakers were the Very Rev. Mark Goodman, Dean of the Cathedral and the Rev. Mike Gemignani, Provincial DOK Chaplain. Nearly 90 women were present and enjoyed the hospitality of food, welcome, and learning that happens at these gatherings. Thanks to chapters around Albuquerque who assisted with the meals and diocesan Junior Daughters who provided decorations and served at the Saturday evening Banquet.

Daughters who attended learned about the Saint John’s Bible from Dean Goodman, and were inspired by Fr. Mike’s words and music. Fr. Mike's new book Praying Deeper was introduced, too. This is a compilation of 80 of his blog posts into a study/devotional format. Amendments to Provincial By-laws were passed and other business was conducted. Grants were awarded to ministries in each diocese of Province 7. In the Diocese of the Rio Grande, Borderlands Ministry received a grant. Canon to the Ordinary, Daniel Gutierrez preached at the opening Eucharist. Daughters from around the Province served at the altar, including two Jr. Daughters from the Diocese of NWTX who served as acolytes. 

 The Assembly of the Diocese of the Rio Grande was held in conjunction with the Provincial Assembly. Officers for the next three years were elected: Cindy Davis, President; Christine Courtney, 1st Vice President, Cynthia Anne Ruth, 2nd Vice President; Brenda Restivo, Treasurer; and Linda Brown, Secretary. Congratulations to these women. The Diocesan Assembly voted to provide a grant to Peaceful Habitation of $460
Next year the Diocese of the Rio Grande Daughters will meet in Silver City in August.

March 23, 2015

Prayer Support for Provincial/Diocesan Assembly

The Daughters of the King of the Diocese of the Rio Grande are invited to join in prayer for the upcoming Provincial/Diocesan Assembly on April 10-11. Ann Merrick, our Prayer/Devotions Chair has gathered some beautiful prayers for us to use.

Even if you cannot be present, you can support the Assembly in prayer. If you want you can download the prayers to print and share.

May the words of our mouths, and the meditations of our hearts,*
Be always acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, our strength and our redeemer.  Amen.

April 1 & 2:
May the blessings of light be upon your Daughters,
Light without and light within,
And in all our comings and goings,
May we Your Daughters ever have a kindly greeting
From those we meet along the road.  Amen

April 3 & 4:
Lord, before we your Daughters gather in assembly, we place ourselves before You, for You are filled with beauty and light and care deeply about us. Help us to listen to Your voice. Help us to respect and understand Your purposes. Help us to value and appreciate our fellow Daughters who we are soon to meet. May Your light enfold use. May Your Spirit guide us. May Your grace abound in us. We make this prayer through Christ the Lord. Amen.
April 5 & 6:
Look upon us, Lord, as we prepare to assemble and let all the darkness of our souls vanish before the beams of your brightness. Fill your Daughters with holy love, and open to us the treasures of your wisdom. You know all our desires, therefore, perfect what You have begun and what Your Spirit has awakened us to ask in prayer. We seek your face. Turn Your face towards us and show us your glory. Then shall all our longing be satisfied and our peace shall be perfect. Amen.   (Adapted from St. Augustine)
April 7 & 8:
Teach Your Daughters as we prepare to assemble to seek You, and reveal Yourself to us as we seek; for unless You instruct us we cannot seek You, and unless You reveal Yourself we cannot find You. Let us seek You in desiring You; let us desire You in seeking You; let us find You in loving You; let us love You in finding You.  Amen (St. Anselm of Canterbury)

April 9 & 10:
O God, our heavenly Father, whose glory fills the whole creation, and whose presence we find wherever we go:  Preserve those who travel; surround them with your loving care; protect them from every danger; and bring them in safety to their journey's end; through Jesus Christ our Lord.  Amen.  (From the Episcopal Book of Common Prayer.)

April 11:
God Our Father, we, your Daughters, thank You for having called us to assemble that we may humbly serve You.  Send Your Holy Spirit upon us and remain present among us to lead us in the conversation, fellowship, meeting, discussion, and worship, we will have. Bless our words and thoughts with holiness that we may be fitting instruments of Your grace. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen