December 4, 2017

Celebrating our Ministries

 The Annual Christmas Party for Daughters of the King and Women of the Diocese was on December 2 at the Cathedral. There were over 3 dozen in attendance. Everyone enjoyed a potluck luncheon, shared cookies, conversation, and music. Cindy Davis, diocesan DOK president, presented a short video about the ministry of the Women of the Diocese, which has from the beginning included the Daughters of the King. Over the decades, women’s ministries have become more and more diverse.
The event included singing Advent hymns led by Betsy Bayne. Betsy’s ministry of Tuneful Truth helps groups discover the history of well-known hymns. Luncheon participants also brought donations for the Women’s Circle of Empowerment and for the Borderlands Ministry. Everyone went home with dozens of delicious cookies from the cookie exchange.  
In 2018, all Daughters are encouraged to join in diocesan wide Come Follow Me study starting in Lent and continuing through the Electing Convention. This will provide the opportunity for women and men throughout the diocese to contemplate and prepare for the election of the next bishop. 

Daughters are reminded of the 2018 Triennial Assembly in Austin. This is always a Spirit-filled time when Daughters from around the world gather to worship and reflect together, as well as transact business of the Order.
Mark your calendars for Assembly 2018 on August 3 and 4. Deborah Smith Douglas, dynamic speaker and author, will be the keynote speaker Her talks on August 4 will be open to all and are sure to be inspiring. You are invited to contact Dona Aceat St. Chad’s to get a copy of Douglas’ book The Praying Life.

November 28, 2017

Christmas Potluck & Cookie Exchange

Christmas Potluck and Cookie Exchange for women of the Diocese is Saturday, December 2 at noon in Kaseman Hall. Bring a favorite potluck dish, a couple dozen cookies (store bought or home-made) and donations for Women’s Circle of Empowerment or Borderlands Ministry. Suggested items are below and on the downloadable flyer. Share the info with a friend at church and come join the fun!! 

Borderlands Collection Suggestions
à Shampoo or Hand Soap
à Hand or Body Lotion
à Feminine Hygiene Products
à Diapers & Baby wipes
à Facial tissues
à Gloves or Mittens
à Jackets
à New, unopened underwear
à New, unopened socks
à Bandaids
à #2 Pencils or Pens
à Stuffed toys
à Rice or beans
Women’s Circle of Empowerment (ABQ)
à New washcloths
à Travel sized shampoo, soap,  etc.
à Socks
à Feminine hygiene products
à Toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash
à Hand sanitizer
à Water bottles
à Individual packages of crackers
à Juice boxes

September 22, 2017

Exploring Sabbath Retreat

Exploring Sabbath,
the 6th Annual Bosque Weekend

The Women’s Ministry of the Diocese of the Rio Grande invites all women, lay and ordained, to the Exploring Sabbath Retreat on November 17-18 at the Bosque Center. The Rev. Monica Whitaker, formerly of the Diocese of the Rio Grande, and now rector of St. Andrew’s, Sedona AZ will be our retreat leader. The Rev. Sylvia Miller-Mutia of St. Thomas of Canterbury and Women’s Ministry chaplain, the Rev. Pat Green will assist her. We’ll start on Friday at 5:30PM with registration, dinner, and an intro to Sabbath. Saturday will give us more time to experience many forms of Sabbath. We will end after Eucharist at 4PM on Saturday.
This will be a time to learn that Sabbath is not just about worship and quiet.
Sabbath is Gift from God
Sabbath is Refreshment
Sabbath is Thanksgiving
Sabbath is Rejoicing

As busy Christian women, it is important to take time for Sabbath, and this weekend is a perfect way to do that. Registration info available on the Women’s Ministry websiteRegistration, including 3 meals, is $30. (Some 1/2 scholarships are available, contact Cindy.) Single rooms at the Bosque Center are $52/night and must be reserved when you register. (A couple of queen rooms are available for slightly more/night. Contact Cindy for info.) If you live in ABQ you may commute.
Register below; or download the registration and mail it in.
Contact Cindy Davis, Coordinator of Women’s Ministries if you have questions.

To register for just retreat select "Add to Cart". If you want room and retreat, drop down the menu and choose that option.

Register here for retreat & room

Building a Path to Walk HIS Way: Preparing for Triennial 2018

Even if you aren't planning to attend Triennial in Austin next June 20-24, you can participate in praying and preparing for it by making a 'brick'! Simply follow the directions below and be part of the Mission Trail to Triennial.

"In 2018, as the Daughters of the King gather in community at the Renaissance, we will extend that mission trail to Austin, Texas. Daughters from around the world are invited to attend our National Convention, Triennial 2018, at "Mission" Renaissance. In preparation for that gathering, we will build a Way, brick by brick, to arrive at the site of our mission.
Each chapter and each diocesan, provincial, and country assembly are invited to create a "brick" to pave the Way. Each brick is to have inscribed on it a verse relating to evangelism. The brick may be an actual brick or it may be constructed of cardboard, paper, clay or other material on which to write or mount the scripture. See above for an example. The chapter or assembly is then to take a photo of the brick and of the group contributing the brick and email it to
 Coming from all compass points to build the Way, international Daughters and U.S. Daughters will construct a path for us to traverse to Mission Renaissance, the site of our Co-Missioning, and a way for us to return as Missionaries. To accomplish this, we will establish a schedule for each country and the assemblies and chapters therein to create a brick. The first assemblies are Hawaii and Southeast Florida, followed shortly by India and Southwest Florida. Please check the national website or with your provincial leaders to determine when your assembly is scheduled to contribute your bricks.
The brick each group creates will be added to all the other bricks to pave the Way through the assemblies until we reach Austin in June 2018. The verses will be viewable on the national website as the individual bricks form the path. The group photos will be displayed at Triennial.
We look forward to joining you on the brick road to Triennial 2018.
Triennial Committee" (from CrossLinks September 2017)

August 2, 2017

DOK Assembly 2017: Report

Members of the Daughters of the King met at Grace Church, Carlsbad on July 28-29 for the annual Diocesan Assembly. Redeeming Grace Chapter offered wonderful hospitality in the form of delicious food, lovely décor, and friendly hearts. The theme was Turning Sorrow into Dancing. Attendees explored how the Daughters of the King work of prayer, service, and evangelism is a way of Turning Sorrow into Dancing, and in that way bringing about the Kingdom of God.

The Rev. Canon Raymond Raney was the keynote speaker for the event. He urged the women to believe in their own individual and communal strength. Using writers like Joyce Rupp, Julian of Norwich, Debie Thomas, and others, Raney urged the women to surrender to God’s work in our lives. On Saturday morning, Raney reminded the Daughters that it was exactly 43 years earlier that the first 12 women were ordained as priest in the Episcopal Church. While noting that sometimes it takes a long time for the work of the Holy Spirit to bear fruit, Raney urged everyone to look at the women in the Bible for inspiration. In fact, he stated that in the Eastern Orthodox tradition Mary herself said ‘no’ six times before saying ‘yes’ to God’s request. Raney commented that Daughters are called to stand before the church to say Prayer Matters and that we can all be cherished, fed, loved, blessed, and our work endorsed by God.

In his final talk, Canon Raney reminded everyone that feeding is an intrinsically female activity in all cultures. By choosing the fruit in the Garden, Eve helped humanity move from infancy to adulthood, and ultimately to be redeemed. The Tree of Life in the Garden becomes the Cross and is the way through which we gain eternal life. Our responsibility is to bring everyone to Freedom by caring for those around us, even those we have yet to meet. Raney gave each woman an apple to remind attendees that women can chose who we are and who we can be. (Episcopal Café recently had a post that elaborated on what he said: God is preparing each of us now for the new beginning. We can choose what kind of church we want to create as we share what we live for, who we are, and who we will be. Daughters have chosen to feed the world through their prayer and service which nurtures and cares for everyone.  
A special gift for the women was an anthem written especially for this Assembly by Fr. Mike Gemigini, the Province 7 DOK Chaplain. During the business meeting, grants of $500 each were awarded to four ministries. Saranam in Albuquerque which provides housing and supplies for those who are homeless and the Cathedral Front Desk Sack Lunch ministry which gives out over 400 lunches weekly to the homeless in the downtown area at a cost of only $1.60/lunch received a gift. The Mustard Seed Babies Home in Uganda and the Carlsbad LifeHouse ministry for addicts were also provided grants.  There is currently just over $12,000 in the DOK bank account, some of which is designated for Jr. Daughters, the Chaplain’s fund, and Triennial expenses for the president.

Diocesan President, Cindy Davis urged the Daughters present to remember that they are not just a group that meets for fellowship or even for Bible study and prayer. Rather, we are an international sisterhood who take vows of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism for the spread of the Kingdom. We pray for the ‘grace to work to spread your Kingdom, and gather your scattered sheep within your fold’. In doing this we become part of the work of the Holy Spirit that calls us to dance and come close to the heart of God. Because we are a community, when we gather as chapters, or in Assembly and at Triennial, we are meeting with family and sisters who are committed to the same goals.

Cindy asked each Chapter present to become prayer partners both with another chapter present, and with a chapter that was unable to attend. This will be a way to reach across the miles and share our sisterhood throughout the diocese as we share prayer needs, service ideas, and maybe even fellowship opportunities. Daughters are also encouraged to be in the forefront of prayer for the Search, Election, and Consecration of the next Bishop of the Diocese.

Chaplain, Mother Jan Hosea offered spiritual guidance throughout the weekend and invited anyone interested to attend the “Healing the Brokenhearted” series at St. Chad’s every Thursday from August 24-September 28. This is a grief group for those dealing with any grief such as loss of a family member, job, home situation, or other grief. Contact her ( if you are interested.

The Daughters collected items for the Carlsbad Back Packs for Hunger program. Carol Worley, founder, spoke to the women about the program which started six years ago with 10 children at 2 schools. These children were identified as needing food assistance. The program now provides back packs full of food for 8 meals that up to 208 children take home on Friday. Children who need help are identified by counselors, school staff, bus drivers, and other concerned persons. Last year about 7200 back packs were filled. The budget of $83,000 is totally funded by donations. The free will offering from the Eucharist was donated to the program, too.

It was a time of sharing and inspiration as the Daughters present gathered to pray, laugh, and talk together. A nominating committee was appointed to develop a slate of officers for the 2018 Assembly. That Assembly will be August 3-4, 2018 at the Bosque Center. St. Chad’s Chapter will be the host chapter. Deborah Smith Douglas, dynamic speaker and author will be the keynote speaker. Her talks will be open to all women. You are invited to contact Dona Ace at St. Chad’s ( to get a copy of Douglas’ book The Praying Life.

Canon Raney's Bibliography for his talks can be downloaded here

May 17, 2017

DOK Assembly

Dear Sisters in Christ, Daughters of the Diocese of the Rio Grande,
You are most cordially invited and encouraged to attend Assembly 2017 on July 28-29 at Grace Episcopal Church (508 W Fox, Carlsbad, NM). This year we will focus on Turning Sorrow into Dancing: Redeem the WorldOur Prayer and Service, as Daughters, is a way to do exactly that. Bring ideas for service and prayer that you and your chapter already do which help heal the brokenness of the world. There will be time to share our ideas and ministry with each other, as well. Canon Raymond Raney will be our keynote speaker.
Assembly starts FRIDAY, July 28 at 5PM with registration, followed by a light dinner, hosted by the Diocesan Board. Invite a friend who is interested in the DOK invited to attend-there is no cost for prospective members. In a change from our ‘tradition,’ our business meeting will be Saturday afternoon. Lunch will be hosted by the Redeeming Grace Chapter (Guests are welcome at lunch for $10/ person/meal, see registration.) Assembly ends around 3:30 PM on Saturday, allowing time for some browsing in Carlsbad. All are encouraged to attend services at Grace Church on Sunday morning at 8:30 or 10:30AM.
Download the entire packet to get all the information you’ll need, with registration forms and information about hotels where rooms have been arranged for us at the rates ranging from $119-129/night. (Thanks Barbara W.!) Share a room with a friend and split the cost! Rates are good until July 15.
Registration for Assembly 2017 is $40 for adult and $5 for Junior Daughters and includes the cost of the Friday Dinner and Saturday lunch. You can register through the PayPal link below (even if you don’t have PayPal), or download and mail your registration. You can also ask your Chapter president for a copy of the registration packet.
One ministry we will hear about at Assembly is the Carlsbad “Backpacks for Hunger” program. This ministry received the Provincial Assembly grant for the Diocese of the Rio Grande. You are encouraged to bring food or a monetary donation to support this outreach, too. A list of suggested items is included in the packet.
In the Registration packet is a “Nomination of Ministry” form. If you or your chapter would like to suggest a ministry or organization to receive a portion of the outreach monies designated at each Assembly, please complete and return the form as noted. Everyone will get a list of the nominated charities in their folder at Assembly. This will help us make more informed decisions about use of our money.

As part of the business of the Order, we will be forming a Nominating Committee to prayerfully find and call Sisters in Christ who are willing to stand for election to the offices of President, First and Second Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Elections will be at Assembly 2018 the first weekend of August 2018 at the Bosque Center in Albuquerque. Is God calling you to be part of the Nominating Committee or to serve as an officer?


April 28, 2017

Prov. 7 Board Meeting and Assembly, April 21-22, 2017

The theme of the Triennium in Province 7 has been Micah 6:8 “To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” This year’s focus was “Love mercy”. As always, Assembly was a time of fellowship and joyous worship, as well as learning about what is going on in the Order and hearing about new ministry opportunities. Nearly 120 Daughters from around the Province assembled at Church of the Incarnation in Dallas, including 4 from the Diocese of the Rio Grande. (Deborah Tischler, Elaine Brink, Marta Gallegos, Cindy Davis-from L to R in front of the Welcome Center entrance)

The Prov. 7 Board (all Diocesan Presidents, plus the Provincial Board) met before Assembly started. Denise Rox, Provincial Prayer Chair offered an opening devotion about how the 7 ways of Corporal Mercy and the 7 forms of Spiritual Mercy are the ways Daughters live their lives of Prayer and Service. 
The Board reviewed the necessary By-Laws change that will bring Provincial By-Laws into compliance with National By-Laws regarding DAL. These were approved during the Assembly Business Meeting. A committee to review the entire Provincial By-Laws was formed as well to review and as necessary revise the By-Laws.
Diocesan Presidents were reminded to encourage Chapter Presidents to notify the National Office of the death of any Daughter. It is the only way the National Office can keep up with this data. Another important item is DUES. Diocesan Presidents were urged to help their chapter presidents collect dues, as the transition to online payment seems to be a problem for some women. One suggestion was to have a computer available at a chapter meeting to help Daughters pay online.
Provincial Jr. DOK funds are available for JDOK chapters to use for growth and for sending directresses, and potential directresses to JDOK camps and events, like directress retreats. A grant application will be available on the Provincial website ( A Jr. Directress retreat is not just for current directresses, but for any woman who might want to start JDOK in their parish. The next one is July 13-16 in Belton, TX. Info on the Provincial website (
The Business meeting was called to order on Saturday morning in the lovely, newly completed Ascension Chapel of the Church of the Incarnation in Dallas. The ladies were warmly welcomed the Incarnation chapter and Jr. Daughters.
Because of Triennial in June of 2018, it was decided to NOT have a Provincial Assembly in 2018. Provincial Officers were elected at the business meeting to take office at Triennial 2018. Provincial President Pat Hind asked that we get a Province 7 Banner in time for Triennial in 2018 so we can be represented in that way. If anyone knows of a fabric artist, please be in touch.
It was noted that there are resources available for Chapter Enhancement. Fr. Mike Gemangani has a program that can be presented as a workshop (download from the Prov. 7 website). There are some funds available from the Province to help fund a workshop. There are also resources from the National Office, and more are being created.
Grants were awarded in the amount of $400 to a ministry in each diocese. The Backpacks for Hunger program in Carlsbad was the Diocese of the Rio Grande recipient. (Carol Waller of this program will be one of the speakers at Assembly in Carlsbad this year.) The Eucharist offering was divided between the 3 Dallas ministries who were the guest speakers.
Two representatives from the National Council were present at the Assembly: Lori Geres (Media chair) and Susan Keith (By-Laws chair). Lori shared some of the data gathered from the DOK survey last year, and how that is being used to formulate strategic plans for the future of the Order. This involves talking about prayer, spiritual direction, formulating plans for the women who come after us, recommitting to the work of DOK, and continuing (or beginning) to talk about DOK. 
Susan Keith spoke about the process for ‘cleaning up’ the current by-laws. Over the years, sections have been added that should more logically go in a different location…i.e. membership under members and chapter info under chapters. This will all be presented at Triennial next year. It is not a revision of the by-laws as much as necessary adjustments for coherence and clarity. All the changes will be publicized well in advance of Triennial.
Fr. Mike Gemangani, Provincial Chaplain and keynote speaker compared God’s mercy to the love of a spouse to spouse. We do not come pleading for mercy to our spouse. In the same way, God loves us as a Bride in transforming union. Fr. Mike noted that God shows greater compassion to us than we do to ourselves. God’s mercy is chesed or loving-kindness and God gives each of us nothing less than all of God. We need to have mercy toward ourselves and accept the gift of the Incarnation. Our return to God is to give ourselves, which draws all Creation to God. God renews God’s love to us and we renew our love to God. Through this, all Creation is renewed.
After lunch, we heard from three local outreach ministries. Bonton Farms is a ministry that helps inner-city children and families find employment, grows food, and offers opportunities both on the farm and in the community to improve the quality of life.
Incarnation House is an outreach of the Church of the Incarnation. It is an after-school program for the low income, at risk students of Dallas High School, which is across the street from the church. The youth must commit to the program and participate. Meals, tutoring, and other assistance is offered, including help with getting into college.
The final ministry reaches out to men who have just been released from prison. Called One Man’s Treasure it helps with 5 shirts, 2 pants, a tie, underwear, shoes, and coat so that these men can go on interviews. Each set is delivered by a male volunteer ‘shepherd’ who offers a listening ear along with the dignity and hope of the fresh clothing. Of the 104 shepherds, 30% are former clients.
Church of the Incarnation was a lovely location for Assembly, and we enjoyed the hospitality of everyone there. Remember to start saving and planning now to attend Triennial on June 20-24 at the Renaissance at the Arboretum in Austin, TX. Watch the Royal Cross for more details.

Mark your calendars for Diocesan Assembly 2017 is July 28-29 at Grace Church, Carlsbad with the theme of Sorrow into Dancing. Bishop Vono is the keynote speaker. 
In 2018, we will meet at the Bosque Center in Albuquerque the first weekend in August for officer elections and other business. Deborah Smith Douglas will be our speaker. 

March 14, 2017

Be Part of World Day of Prayer

Morning of Prayer sponsored by the Cathedral Centering Prayer group will be held on Saturday, March 18 from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. as part of the World Day of Prayer.
There will be time for prayer and quiet in the Cathedral, an introduction to Centering Prayer for any who are interested, and a chance to walk the labyrinth.
Contact Martha Ernest so we know you are coming. 

February 26, 2017

Be in Prayer for the Bishop Search

All Daughters of the King are encouraged to be in prayer for the call of the next Bishop of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. The Diocese has provided a simple litany (written by DOK Kathleen Pittman of Roswell) that can be used. You can download this info from the Diocesan website or as a document here to distribute to chapter members and others in your parish.

Prayer for Seeking a New Bishop for The Episcopal Diocese of the Rio Grande
Holy and Almighty God our Father, You have blessed us in the Diocese of the Rio Grande in manifold ways over the past years. You have strengthened us, united us, loved us, guided us.
We thank you, Lord.
Touch the hearts of able clergy men and women throughout the Episcopal Church so that they might hear your call upon their lives to do your work among us and with us and through us.
We entreat you, Lord.
Be with our Diocesan Bishop Search Committee that they will discern your will in choosing good candidates who will be elected by the diocese to be our future Bishop.
We entreat you, Lord.
Be with our Diocesan Transition Committee as they guide us in blending our lives and our ministries with that of our new Bishop in order that we move forward in our life together.
We entreat you, Lord.
Be with us all. Give us patience and trust as we seek a new shepherd for our diocese. Be with us, Lord, for the sake of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Standing Committee

Rev. Paul Moore (Pres.)  
Dr. Kathleen Pittman       
The Rev. Rod Hurst        
Paula Mote                       
The Rev. Dan Tuton        
Christine Johnson          

Search Committee

Lay Co-chair                     Roy Benavides
Chaplain to the Process The Rev. Don Heacox
Northeast Deanery          Heather Leibman, Rev. Catherine Volland, Rev. Jim Gordon
Northwest Deanery         Jack Sloan, Beth Noland (also Clergy Co-chair), Victor Rizzo
Southeast Deanery          Jerry O'Dette, Rev. Beverly Moore-Tasy, Rev. Suzanne Brockmeier
Southwest Deanery         Paul Thomason, Rev. James Brzezinski, Patrick Lamb

Transition Team

Clergy Co-chair               The Rev. Scott Ruthven
Lay Co-chair                     Cindy Davis

Team Members TBD

January 30, 2017

Lent Activities by Daughters in the DRG

Daughters of the King are busy with activities this Lent. A couple (currently known about) are:

Women of Lent: 
March 4, 2017, 9-2 at St. Andrew's in Las Cruces
Facilitated by Cindy Davis, 
Sponsored by the Santa Rosa Chapter of the DOK
We'll explore what Mary Magdalene and other women of the 1st Century can teach us, as women of the 21st Century about living in Faith, Hope, and Love. Lunch is provided. Contact Christine Courtney to RSVP.

Women of the Gospel Witness Jesus

April 7 at 7PM at Hope Episcopal, ABQ

Come experience Jesus of Nazareth from His birth to His death and resurrection through the stories of twelve women of Scripture who knew Jesus.
Hear their heartfelt stories.
Prepare to celebrate the joys of Easter by accompanying these women as they interact with Jesus throughout His ministries and to the cross.
Learn about the revolutionary and counter-cultural relationship Jesus had with women.
Understand the importance of the witness of women in the narrative of Jesus.
Bring your friends and family to encounter Jesus through the witness of the women who knew him.
Free will offering accepted at the door.  Free childcare will be available.
The women of the Light in the Desert Chapter of the Daughters of the King at Hope+in+the+Desert Church are actively supporting this production.  Three of the Daughters portray women in the play and others are hands behind the scenes. Written by the Rev. Jane Ross. (

If you know of other Lent events by Daughters, please let Cindy know.

January 9, 2017

A Fabulous Party!!

The Bosque Center Residence Hall was filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation on the afternoon of December 17 when four dozen women arrived for the Christmas party sponsored by the Daughters of the King of the Diocese of the Rio Grande. All attendees received an ornament, one of Cynthia Davis’ books, and a Mary Kay lotion for attending. After finding a comfy chair, those who wanted to had the opportunity to make an ‘Inspiration Box’. This is a small box, individually decorated. Inspirational sayings and Bible verses were provided to go inside to be referred to when a pick-me-up is needed. The ladies were encouraged to continue adding their favorite scriptures and sayings throughout the next year.

 Everyone had fun greeting old and new friends and a lively time ensued as favorite Christmas traditions were shared. Door prizes were given out for the person with the most candy canes in each small group, after a fun game. Mary Kay Cosmetics gift sets were also awarded.
Among those attending were half a dozen members of the Women’s Circle of Empowerment (a ministry of the Diocese to and by women who have experienced homelessness firsthand). These women are "building a strong community through encouragement, support and perseverance." Founder Amy Malick shared the history of the group. Members of the Women’s Circle thanked those present for the outpouring of love evident in the donations from those at the party, and from many who could not attend. The shampoos and lotions, toothbrushes and cleaning supplies, socks and paper goods filled the foyer at the Residence Hall. The women noted that they would be able to share the bounty with other women in the ministry as well as friends who are still on the streets, thus making the gifts even more meaningful as they are re-gifted.

Thanks to the Daughters of the King in Albuquerque who helped with the food and arrangements. The cookies, cheese, crackers, fruit and chocolate were all delicious and greatly enjoyed. The response to this event was overwhelming positive with requests to make this an annual event.
Amy Malick, coordinator of the Women's Circle of Empowerment sent a thank you, stating, in part, "Honestly, we were completely overwhelmed and unprepared to thank you and the group properly at the time. Even an email thanks is inadequate, but I wanted to drop you this note before any more time passed to let you know how deeply we were touched by your thoughtfulness. The party was a blast. I need to get with you for help finding cool crafts on Pinterest. We put out supplies at our women's meetings, and could use some new ideas. The refreshments, the decorations, the games - all were such a treat....there's a huge amount of stuff left, which makes for a great group project to figure out how to distribute the things in a fair way. There's enough for the women, and lots for them to share in their outreach into the community."